Spring Boot

Testing with Spring Boot and @SpringBootTest

With the @SpringBootTest annotation, Spring Boot provides a convenient way to start up an application context to be used in a test.

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Per-Environment Logging with Plain Java and Spring Boot

Application logs are the most important resource when it comes to investigating issues and incidents. Imagine something goes wrong during your on-call rotation and you don’t have any logs!

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Sending Emails with Amazon SES and Spring Cloud AWS

Email is a convenient way to communicate different kinds of events from applications to interested parties. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is an email platform that provides an easy and cost-effective way to send and receive emails.

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Caching with ElastiCache for Redis and Spring Cloud AWS

ElastiCache is a fully managed caching service available in AWS Cloud. Spring Cloud AWS helps us to simplify the communication of Spring Boot application with AWS services.

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Getting Started with Apache Camel and Spring Boot

Apache Camel is an integration framework with a programming model for integrating a wide variety of applications. It is also a good fit for microservice architectures where we need to communicate between different microservices and other upstream and downstream systems like databases and messaging systems.

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Working with AWS DynamoDB and Spring

AWS DynamoDB is a NoSQL database service available in AWS Cloud. DynamoDB provides many benefits starting from a flexible pricing model, stateless connection, and a consistent response time irrespective of the database size.

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