Spring Boot

Testing with Spring Boot’s @TestConfiguration Annotation

A unit test is used to verify the smallest part of an application (a “unit”) independent of other parts. This makes the verification process easy and fast since the scope of the testing is narrowed down to a class or method.

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Getting Started With AWS RDS and Spring Cloud

Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) is a relational database service available in AWS Cloud. The Spring Framework always had good support for database access technologies built on top of JDBC.

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Sending HTTP requests with Spring WebClient

In Spring 5, Spring gained a reactive web framework: Spring WebFlux. This is designed to co-exist alongside the existing Spring Web MVC APIs, but to add support for non-blocking designs.

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Getting Started With AWS SQS and Spring Cloud

Spring Cloud is a suite of projects containing many of the services required to make an application cloud-native by conforming to the 12-Factor principles.

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Exploring a Spring Boot App with Actuator and jq

Spring Boot Actuator helps us monitor and manage our applications in production. It exposes endpoints that provide health, metrics, and other information about the running application.

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Don’t Use the @Profile Annotation in a Spring Boot App!

With profiles, Spring (Boot) provides a very powerful feature to configure our applications. Spring also offers the @Profile annotation to add beans to the application context only when a certain profile is active.

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