Spring Boot

Offloading File Transfers with Amazon S3 Presigned URLs in Spring Boot

When building web applications that involve file uploads or downloads, a common approach is to have the files pass through an application server.

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Integrating Amazon S3 with Spring Boot Using Spring Cloud AWS

In modern web applications, storing and retrieving files has become a common requirement. Whether it is user uploaded content like images and documents or application generated logs and reports, having a reliable and scalable storage solution is crucial.

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Publisher-Subscriber Pattern Using AWS SNS and SQS in Spring Boot

In an event-driven architecture where multiple microservices need to communicate with each other, the publisher-subscriber pattern provides an asynchronous communication model to achieve this.

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Structured Logging with Spring Boot and Amazon CloudWatch

The primary purpose of logging in applications is to debug and trace one or more root causes of an unexpected behavior.

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Testing Time-Based Features with Feature Flags

Time-based features in a software application are a pain to test. To test such a feature, you can (and should) write unit tests, of course.

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Exposing a Helpful Info Endpoint with Spring Boot Actuator

In a distributed, fast-paced environment, dev teams often want to find out at what time they deployed the app, what version of the app they deployed, what Git commit was deployed, and more.

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