Olaoluwa Ajibade

Olaoluwa Ajibade

Backend developer who loves to create incredible apps.

Articles by Olaoluwa Ajibade

Creating and Publishing an NPM Package with Automated Versioning and Deployment

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll create, publish, and manage an NPM package using TypeScript for better code readability and scalability. We’ll write test cases with Jest and automate our NPM package versioning and publishing process using Changesets and GitHub Actions.

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Optimizing Node.js Application Performance with Caching

Endpoints or APIs that perform complex computations and handle large amounts of data face several performance and responsiveness challenges. This occurs because each request initiates a computation or data retrieval process from scratch, which can take time.

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Publish and Receive Messages with Google Pub/Sub in Node.js

Google Cloud Pub/Sub employs a publish-subscribe model, streamlining modern software communication and reshaping how information is shared. Publishers send messages to topics, and subscribers interested in those messages can retrieve them flexibly and asynchronously.

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Understanding Socket.IO: Building a simple real-time chat app with Node.js and Socket.IO

Traditional web applications primarily used the HTTP request-response model, where clients sent requests to servers, and servers responded with data. However, implementing real-time features like live chat, notifications, collaborative tools, etc, was challenging.

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How to Implement API Rate Limiting in a Node.js Express Application

Have you ever wondered how public API platforms, payment services, or popular websites such as Medium, Twitter, and others manage that their APIs are not overloaded?

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CI/CD with Node.js and a GitHub Actions Runner Hosted on AWS EC2

You and your team have spent countless hours meticulously crafting a groundbreaking application that could propel your Startup to new heights.

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