Tom Hombergs
As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded reflectoring.io.
Articles by Tom Hombergs
Testing with Spring Boot and @SpringBootTest
With the @SpringBootTest annotation, Spring Boot provides a convenient way to start up an application context to be used in a test.
Read morePer-Environment Logging with Plain Java and Spring Boot
Application logs are the most important resource when it comes to investigating issues and incidents. Imagine something goes wrong during your on-call rotation and you don’t have any logs!
Read moreFeature Flags in Java with Togglz and LaunchDarkly
With feature flags, we can reduce the risk of rolling out software changes to a minimum. We deploy the software with the changes, but the changes are behind a deactivated feature flag.
Read moreStart Clean!
As software developers, we’re painfully aware of technical debt. Usually, we curse our predecessors for taking shortcuts, making wrong decisions, and for just not working professionally in general.
Read moreBook Notes: Measure What Matters
TL;DR: Read this Book, when… you want to be structured in goal-making and tracking you want to learn about what motivates people and what doesn’t you are interested in hearing stories about the goals of big and successful companies Book Facts Title: Measure What Matters Authors: John Doerr Word Count: ~ 62,000 (ca.
Read moreDesigning an AWS CDK Project with Java
In the article “Getting Started with AWS CDK”, we have already deployed a Spring Boot application to AWS with the CDK.
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