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All You Need to Know about Spring’s Java Config

Welcome to the exciting world of Spring’s Java Configuration! In this comprehensive guide, we will learn Spring’s Java-based configuration. We will get familiar with core annotations like @Bean and @Configuration.

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Introduction to Ktor

Web application development is a critical domain for businesses and developers. Building web applications that are efficient, scalable, and easy to maintain is a challenging task.

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Testing with Mockk

Mocking in software development is a technique used to simulate the behavior of external dependencies or components within a system during testing.

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Create an HTTP Client with OpenFeign

Feign is an open-source Java library that simplifies the process of making web requests. It streamlines the implementation of RESTful web services by providing a higher-level abstraction.

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Introduction to Kotest

Kotest is simply a multi-platform framework used for testing written in Kotlin. In this tutorial, we shall cover the following sub-topics related to the Kotest framework: testing with Kotest, testing styles used, grouping Kotest tests with tags, the lifecycle hooks and assertions supported by Kotest.

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Introduction to KDoc

In this article, we’ll discuss all that entails KDoc in Kotlin. KDoc is simply a language used to document code written in Kotlin specifically.

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