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Complete Guide to CORS
“CORS” stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. CORS is a protocol and security standard for browsers that helps to maintain the integrity of a website and secure it from unauthorized access.
Read moreFeature Flags in Java with Togglz and LaunchDarkly
With feature flags, we can reduce the risk of rolling out software changes to a minimum. We deploy the software with the changes, but the changes are behind a deactivated feature flag.
Read moreSending Emails with Amazon SES and Spring Cloud AWS
Email is a convenient way to communicate different kinds of events from applications to interested parties. Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is an email platform that provides an easy and cost-effective way to send and receive emails.
Read moreCaching with ElastiCache for Redis and Spring Cloud AWS
ElastiCache is a fully managed caching service available in AWS Cloud. Spring Cloud AWS helps us to simplify the communication of Spring Boot application with AWS services.
Read moreStart Clean!
As software developers, we’re painfully aware of technical debt. Usually, we curse our predecessors for taking shortcuts, making wrong decisions, and for just not working professionally in general.
Read moreGetting Started with Apache Camel and Spring Boot
Apache Camel is an integration framework with a programming model for integrating a wide variety of applications. It is also a good fit for microservice architectures where we need to communicate between different microservices and other upstream and downstream systems like databases and messaging systems.
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