Designing an AWS CDK Project with Java

In the article “Getting Started with AWS CDK”, we have already deployed a Spring Boot application to AWS with the CDK.

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Using Terraform to Deploy AWS Resources

Using Terraform to Deploy AWS Resources

Provisioning infrastructure resources has always been a time-consuming manual process. Infrastructure has now moved away from physical hardware in data centers to software-defined infrastructure using virtualization technology and cloud computing.

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Deploying a Spring Boot App with the AWS CDK

In the article “Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation”, we have already played around a bit with AWS CloudFormation. We have deployed a network stack that provides the network infrastructure we need, and a service stack that deploys a Docker image with our Spring Boot application into that network.

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Getting Started with AWS S3 and Spring Boot

In this article, we are going to explore AWS' Simple Storage Service (S3) together with Spring Boot to build a custom file-sharing application (just like in the good old days before Google Drive, Dropbox & co).

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Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation

Getting Started with AWS CloudFormation

Continuous deployment is an important part in today’s software development loop. We want to ship the latest version of our software in no time to provide our users with the newest features or bugfixes.

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Local Development with AWS on LocalStack

Local Development with AWS on LocalStack

When we build applications with AWS, we access various AWS services for multiple purposes: store files in S3, save some data in DynamoDB, send messages to SQS, write event handlers with lambda functions, and many others.

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