Building a Multi-Module Spring Boot Application with Gradle

Table Of Contents

The Spring Initializr is a great way to quickly create a Spring Boot application from scratch. It creates a single Gradle file that we can expand upon to grow our application.

When projects become bigger, however, we might want to split our codebase into multiple build modules for better maintainability and understandability.

This article shows how to split up a Spring Boot application into multiple build modules with Gradle.

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

What’s a Module?

As we’ll be using the word “module” a lot in this tutorial, let’s first define what a module is.

A module …

  • … has a codebase that is separate from other modules' code,
  • … is transformed into a separate artifact (JAR file) during a build, and
  • … can define dependencies to other modules or third-party libraries.

A module is a codebase that can be maintained and built separately from other modules' codebases.

However, a module is still part of a parent build process that builds all modules of our application and combines them to a single artifact like a WAR file.

Why Do We Need Multiple Modules?

Why would we make the effort to split up our codebase into multiple modules when everything works just fine with a single, monolithic module?

The main reason is that a single monolithic codebase is susceptible to architectural decay. Within a codebase, we usually use packages to demarcate architectural boundaries. But packages in Java aren’t very good at protecting those boundaries (more about this in the chapter “Enforcing Architecture Boundaries” of my book). Suffice it to say that the dependencies between classes within a single monolithic codebase tend to quickly degrade into a big ball of mud.

If we split up the codebase into multiple smaller modules that each has clearly defined dependencies to other modules, we take a big step towards an easily maintainable codebase.

The Example Application

Let’s take a look at the modular example web application we’re going to build in this tutorial. The application is called “BuckPal” and shall provide online payment functionality. It follows the hexagonal architecture style described in my book, which splits the codebase into separate, clearly defined architectural elements. For each of those architectural elements, we’ll create a separate Gradle build module, as indicated by the following folder structure:

├── adapters
|   ├── buckpal-persistence
|   |  ├── src
|   |  └── build.gradle
|   └── buckpal-web
|    ├── src
|    └── build.gradle
├── buckpal-application
|  ├── src
|  └── build.gradle
├── common
|  ├── src
|  └── build.gradle
├── buckpal-configuration
|  ├── src
|  └── build.gradle
├── build.gradle
└── settings.gradle

Each module is in a separate folder with Java sources, a build.gradle file, and distinct responsibilities:

  • The top-level build.gradle file configures build behavior that is shared between all sub-modules so that we don’t have to duplicate things in the sub-modules.
  • The buckpal-configuration module contains the actual Spring Boot application and any Spring Java Configuration that puts together the Spring application context. To create the application context, it needs access to the other modules, which each provides certain parts of the application. I have also seen this module called infrastructure in other contexts.
  • The common module provides certain classes that can be accessed by all other modules.
  • The buckpal-application module holds classes that make up the “application layer”: services that implement use cases which query and modify the domain model.
  • The adapters/buckpal-web module implements the web layer of our application, which may call the uses cases implemented in the application module.
  • The adapters/buckpal-persistence module implements the persistence layer of our application.

In the rest of this article, we’ll look at how to create a separate Gradle module for each of those application modules. Since we’re using Spring, it makes sense to cut our Spring application context into multiple Spring modules along the same boundaries, but that’s a story for a different article.

Parent Build File

To include all modules in the parent build, we first need to list them in the settings.gradle file in the parent folder:

include 'common'
include 'adapters:buckpal-web'
include 'adapters:buckpal-persistence'
include 'buckpal-configuration'
include 'buckpal-application'

Now, if we call ./gradlew build in the parent folder, Gradle will automatically resolve any dependencies between the modules and build them in the correct order, regardless of the order they are listed in settings.gradle.

For instance, the common module will be built before all other modules since all other modules depend on it.

In the parent build.gradle file, we now define basic configuration that is shared across all sub-modules:

plugins {
  id "io.spring.dependency-management" version "1.0.8.RELEASE"

subprojects {

  group = 'io.reflectoring.reviewapp'
  version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'

  apply plugin: 'java'
  apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'
  apply plugin: 'java-library'

  repositories {

  dependencyManagement {
    imports {


First of all, we include the Spring Dependency Management Plugin which provides us with the dependencyManagement closure that we’ll use later.

Then, we define a shared configuration within the subprojects closure. Everything within subprojects will be applied to all sub-modules.

The most important part within subprojects is the dependencyManagement closure. Here, we can define any dependencies to Maven artifacts in a certain version. If we need one of those dependencies within a sub-module, we can specify it in the sub-module without providing a version number since the version number will be loaded from the dependencyManagement closure.

This allows us to specify version numbers in a single place instead of spreading them over multiple modules, very similar to the <dependencyManagement> element in Maven’s pom.xml files.

The only dependency we added in the example is the dependency to the Maven BOM (bill of materials) of Spring Boot. This BOM includes all dependencies that a Spring Boot application potentially might need in the exact version that is compatible with a given Spring Boot version (2.1.7.RELEASE in this case). Thus, we don’t need to list every single dependency on our own and potentially get the version wrong.

Also, note that we apply the java-library plugin to all sub-modules. This enables us to use the api and implementation configurations which allow us to define finer-grained dependency scopes.

Module Build Files

In a module build file, we now simply add the dependencies the module needs.

The file adapters/buckpal-persistence/build.gradle looks like this:

dependencies {
  implementation project(':common')
  implementation project(':buckpal-application')
  implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa'
  // ... more dependencies

The persistence module depends on the common and the application module. The common module is used by all modules, so this dependency is natural. The dependency to the application module comes from the fact that we’re following a hexagonal architecture style in which the persistence module implements interfaces located in the application layer, thus acting as a persistence “plugin” for the application layer.

More importantly, however, we add the dependency to spring-boot-starter-data-jpa which provides Spring Data JPA support for a Spring Boot application. Note that we did not add a version number because the version is automatically resolved from the spring-boot-dependencies BOM in the parent build file. In this case, we’ll get the version that is compatible with Spring Boot 2.1.7.RELEASE.

Note that we added the spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency to the implementation configuration. This means that this dependency does not leak into the compile time of the modules that include the persistence module as a dependency. This keeps us from accidentally using JPA classes in modules where we don’t want it.

The build file for the web layer, adapters/buckpal-web/build.gradle, looks similar, just with a dependency to spring-boot-starter-web instead:

dependencies {
  implementation project(':common')
  implementation project(':application')
  implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web'
  // ... more dependencies

Our modules have access to all the classes they need to build a web or persistence layer for a Spring Boot application, without having unnecessary dependencies.

The web module knows nothing about persistence and vice versa. As a developer, we cannot accidentally add persistence code to the web layer or web code to the persistence layer without consciously adding a dependency to a build.gradle file. This helps to avoid the dreaded big ball of mud.

Spring Boot Application Build File

Now, all we have to do is to aggregate those modules into a single Spring Boot application. We do this in the buckpal-configuration module.

In the buckpal-configuration/build.gradle build file, we add the dependencies to all of our modules:

plugins {
  id "org.springframework.boot" version "2.1.7.RELEASE"

dependencies {

  implementation project(':common')
  implementation project(':buckpal-application')
  implementation project(':adapters:buckpal-persistence')
  implementation project(':adapters:buckpal-web')
  implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter'

  // ... more dependencies

We also add the Spring Boot Gradle plugin that, among other things, gives us the bootRun Gradle task. We can now start the application with Gradle using ./gradlew bootRun.

Also, we add the obligatory @SpringBootApplication-annotated class to the source folder of the buckpal-configuration module:

public class BuckPalApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);


This class needs access to the SpringBootApplication and SpringApplication classes that the spring-boot-starter dependency gives us access to.


In this tutorial, we’ve seen how to split up a Spring Boot application into multiple Gradle modules with the help of the Spring Dependency Plugin for Gradle. We can follow this approach to split an application up along technical layers like in the example application on GitHub, or along functional boundaries, or both.

A very similar approach can be used with Maven.

If you’d like another perspective on the topic, there’s also a Spring guide on creating a multi-module Spring Boot application that talks about different aspects.

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded

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