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Understanding Kotlin Coroutines
Coroutines are a design pattern for writing asynchronous programs for running multiple tasks concurrently. In asynchronous programs, multiple tasks execute in parallel on separate threads without waiting for the other tasks to complete.
Read moreRun Your Gradle Build Anywhere with the Gradle Wrapper
Gradle is a build automation tool that supports multi-language development. It is helpful to build, test, publish, and deploy software on any platform.
Read moreDistribute Static Content with Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront is a fast content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency.
Read moreOne-Stop Guide to Mapping with MapStruct
When we define multi-layered architectures, we often tend to represent data differently at each layer. The interactions between each layer become quite tedious and cumbersome.
Read moreUsing a Jump host to access an RDS database in a private subnet
Back-end server resources like databases often contain data that is critical for an application to function consistently. So these resources are protected from public access over the internet by placing them in a private subnet.
Read moreComplete Guide to Axios HTTP Client
Making API calls is integral to most applications and while doing this we use an HTTP client usually available as an external library.
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