Spring Boot

Testing a Spring Message Producer and Consumer against a Contract with Pact

Among other things, testing an interface between two systems with (consumer-driven) contract tests is faster and more stable than doing so with end-to-end tests.

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Testing a Spring Boot REST API against a Contract with Spring Cloud Contract

Consumer-driven contract tests are a technique to test integration points between API providers and API consumers without the hassle of end-to-end tests (read it up in a recent blog post).

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Testing a Spring Boot REST API against a Consumer-Driven Contract with Pact

Consumer-driven contract tests are a technique to test integration points between API providers and API consumers without the hassle of end-to-end tests (read it up in a recent blog post).

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Creating a Consumer-Driven Contract with Feign and Pact

Consumer-driven contract tests are a technique to test integration points between API providers and API consumers without the hassle of end-to-end tests (read it up in a recent blog post).

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Structuring and Testing Modules and Layers with Spring Boot

Well-behaved software consists of highly cohesive modules that are loosely coupled to other modules. Each module takes care from user input in the web layer down to writing into and reading from the database.

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Modularizing a Spring Boot Application

Every software project comes to a point where the code should be broken up into modules. These may be modules within a single code base or modules that each live in their own code base.

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