
Robust Java Object Mapping With Minimal Testing Overhead Using reMap

Object mapping is a necessary and often unloved evil in software development projects. To communicate between layers of your application, you have to create and test mappers between a multitude of types, which can be a very cumbersome task, depending on the mapper library that is used.

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A Guide to Formatting Code Snippets in Javadoc

Sometimes you want to add code snippets to our Javadoc comments, especially when developing an API of some kind. But how do you mark the code snippet so that it will be rendered correctly in the final Javadoc HTML, especially when special characters like '<', '>' and '@' are involved?

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Tool-based Database Refactoring: Flyway vs. Liquibase

In a previous blog post I discussed the term “database refactoring” and some concepts that allow database refactoring to be supported by tools with the result of having a database schema that is versioned just like your software is.

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Digital Signature in Java

Often you come across the requirement to validate integrity and authenticity of data that was sent digitally. Digital signatures are the solution to this requirement.

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A Random Pitfall

From time to time we need a randomly generated Number in Java. In this case we are normally using java.util.Random which provides a stream of pseudo generated Numbers.

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Getting the current Subversion Revision Number in Gradle

A common use case for build tools like Ant, Maven or Gradle is to retrieve the current revision number of the project sources in the Version Control System (VCS), in many cases Subversion (SVN).

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