The AWS Journey Part 4: Zero-Downtime Deployment with CloudFormation and ECS
The AWS journey started with deploying a Spring Boot application in a Docker container manually and we continued with automatically deploying it with CloudFormation and connecting it to an RDS database instance.
Read moreWhat is AWS? A High-Level Overview of the Most Important AWS Services
AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a cloud computing platform with a wide portfolio of services like compute, storage, networking, data, security, and many more.
Read moreThe AWS Journey Part 3: Connecting a Spring Boot Application to an RDS Instance with CloudFormation
The AWS journey started with deploying a Spring Boot application in a Docker container manually. In the previous episode, we then automated the deployment with CloudFormation.
Read moreThe AWS Journey Part 1: Deploying Your First Docker Image
Amazon Web Services is a beast. It offers so many different cloud services that my natural reaction was to be intimidated.
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