Tom Hombergs

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded

Articles by Tom Hombergs

Publishing Open Source Snapshots with Gradle

One of the most fulfilling things in developing an open source project is getting feedback from the users of your project.

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Creating a Consumer-Driven Contract with Angular and Pact

Consumer-driven contract tests are a technique to test integration points between API providers and API consumers without the hassle of end-to-end tests (read it up in a recent blog post).

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Publishing Open Source Releases with Gradle

When working on an open source Java project, you always come to the point where you want to share your work with the developer community (at least that should be the goal).

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7 Reasons to Choose Consumer-Driven Contract Tests Over End-to-End Tests

In a distributed system, testing the successful integration between distributed services is essential for ensuring that the services won’t fail in production just because they’re not speaking the same language.

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Assumptions and Conditional Test Execution with JUnit 4 and 5

Sometimes, a test should only be run under certain conditions. One such case are integration tests which depend on a certain external system.

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Robust Java Object Mapping With Minimal Testing Overhead Using reMap

Object mapping is a necessary and often unloved evil in software development projects. To communicate between layers of your application, you have to create and test mappers between a multitude of types, which can be a very cumbersome task, depending on the mapper library that is used.

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