Component Scanning with Spring Boot

Table Of Contents

In this article, we’ll look at Spring component scanning and how to use it. We’ll be using a Spring Boot application for all our examples throughout this article.

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

What is Component Scanning?

To do dependency injection, Spring creates a so-called application context.

During startup, Spring instantiates objects and adds them to the application context. Objects in the application context are called “Spring beans” or “components”.

Spring resolves dependencies between Spring beans and injects Spring beans into other Spring beans' fields or constructors.

The process of searching the classpath for classes that should contribute to the application context is called component scanning.

Stereotype Annotations

If Spring finds a class annotated with one of several annotations, it will consider this class as a candidate for a Spring bean to be added to the application context during component scanning.

Spring components are mainly made up of four types.


This is a generic stereotype annotation used indicates that the class is a Spring-managed component. Other stereotypes are a specialization of @Component.


This indicates that the annotated class is a Spring-managed controller that provides methods annotated with @RequestMapping to answer web requests.

Spring 4.0 introduced the @RestController annotation which combines both @Controller and @ResponseBody and makes it easy to create RESTful services that return JSON objects.


We can use the @Service stereotype for classes that contain business logic or classes which come in the service layer.


We can use the @Repository stereotype for DAO classes which are responsible for providing access to database entities.

If we are using Spring Data for managing database operations, then we should use the Spring Data Repository interface instead of building our own @Repository-annotated classes.

When to Use Component Scanning

Spring provides a mechanism to identify Spring bean candidates explicitly through the @ComponentScan annotation.

If the application is a Spring Boot application, then all the packages under the package containing the Spring Boot application class will be covered by an implicit component scan.

Spring Boot’s @SpringBootApplication annotation implies the @Configuration, @ComponentScan, and @EnableAutoConfiguration annotations.

By default, the @ComponentScan annotation will scan for components in the current package and all its sub-packages. So if your application doesn’t have a varying package structure then there is no need for explicit component scanning.

Specifying a @Configuration-annotated class in the default package will tell Spring to scan all the classes in all the JARS in the classpath. Don’t do that!

How to Use @ComponentScan

We use the @ComponentScan annotation along with the @Configuration annotation to tell Spring to scan classes that are annotated with any stereotype annotation. The @ComponentScan annotation provides different attributes that we can modify to get desired scanning behavior.

We’ll be using ApplicationContext’s getBeanDefinitionNames() method throughout this article to check out the list of beans that have successfully been scanned and added to the application context:

class BeanViewer {

  private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

  public void showBeansRegistered(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {
    String[] beanNames = event.getApplicationContext()

      for(String beanName: beanNames) {"{}", beanName);

The above BeanViewer will print all the beans that are registered with the application context. This will help us to check whether our components are loaded properly or not.

Spring Boot’s Implicit Auto Scanning

As said earlier, Spring Boot does auto scanning for all the packages that fall under the parent package. Let’s look at the folder structure:

|- io.reflectoring.componentscan (main package)
   |- (@Service stereotype)

We have created a UserService class with the @Service stereotype in our parent package io.reflectoring.componentscan. As said earlier, since these classes are under the parent package where we have our @SpringBootApplication-annotated application class, the component will be scanned by default when we start the Spring Boot application:

INFO 95832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : beanViewer
INFO 95832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : users

The above output shows the bean created for BeanViewer, ExplicitScan, and Users are printed out by our BeanViewer.

Using @ComponentScan Without Any Attributes

If we have a package that is not under our parent package, or we’re not using Spring Boot at all, we can use @ComponentScan along with a @Configuration bean.

This will tell Spring to scan the components in the package of this @Configuration class and its sub-packages:

package io.reflectoring.birds;

public class BirdsExplicitScan {

The birds package is next to the main package of the application, so it’s not caught by Spring Boot’s default scanning:

|- io.reflectoring.componentscan
|- io.reflectoring.birds
   |- (@Configuration)
   |- (@Component stereotype)
   |- (@Component stereotype)

If we want to include the BirdsExplicitScan into our Spring Boot application, we have to import it:

@Import(value= {BirdsExplicitScan.class})
public class SpringComponentScanningApplication {
  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

When we start the application, we get the following output:

INFO 95832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : beanViewer
INFO 95832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : users
INFO 84644 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : eagle
INFO 84644 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : sparrow

As we can see in the above output, beans got created for the Eagle and Sparrow classes.

Using @ComponentScan with Attributes

Let’s have a look at attributes of the @ComponentScan annotation that we can use to modify its behavior:

  • basePackages: Takes a list of package names that should be scanned for components.
  • basePackageClasses: Takes a list of classes whose packages should be scanned.
  • includeFilters: Enables us to specify what types of components should be scanned.
  • excludeFilters: This is the opposite of includeFilters. We can specify conditions to ignore some of the components based on criteria while scanning.
  • useDefaultFilters: If true, it enables the automatic detection of classes annotated with any stereotypes. If false, the components which fall under filter criteria defined by includeFilters and excludeFilters will be included.

To demonstrate the different attributes, let’s add some classes to the package io.reflectoring.vehicles (which is not a sub package of our application main package io.reflectoring.componentscan):

|- io.reflectoring.componentscan (Main Package)
   |- (@Configuration)
|- io.reflectoring.birds
|- io.reflectoring.vehicles
   |- (@Component stereotype and extends Car)
   |- (@Component stereotype and extends Car)
   |- (@Service stereotype)
   |- (@Service stereotype)

Let’s see how we can control which classes are loaded during a component scan.

Scanning a Whole Package with basePackages

We’ll create the class ExplicitScan class in the application’s main package so it gets picked up by the default component scan. Then, we add the package io.reflectoring.vehicles package via the basePackages attribute of the @ComponenScan annotation:

package io.reflectoring.componentscan;

@ComponentScan(basePackages= "io.reflectoring.vehicles")
public class ExplicitScan {

If we run the application, we see that all components in the vehicles package are included in the application context:

INFO 65476 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : hyundai
INFO 65476 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : spaceX
INFO 65476 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : tesla
INFO 65476 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : train

Including Components with includeFilters

Let’s see how we can include only classes that extend the Car type for component scanning:

@ComponentScan(basePackages= "io.reflectoring.vehicles",
public class ExplicitScan {

With a combination of includeFilters and FilterType, we can tell Spring to include classes that follow specified filter criteria.

We used the filter type ASSIGNABLE_TYPE to catch all classes that are assignable to / extend the Car class.

Other available filter types are:

  • ANNOTATION: Match only classes with a specific stereotype annotation.
  • ASPECTJ: Match classes using an AspectJ type pattern expression
  • ASSIGNABLE_TYPE: Match classes that extend or implement this class or interface.
  • REGEX: Match classes using a regular expression for package names.

In the above example, we have modified our ExplicitScan class with includeFilters to include components that extend Car.class and we are changing useDefaultFilters = false so that only our specific filters are applied.

Now, only the Hyundai and Tesla beans are being included in the component scan, because they extend the Car class:

INFO 68628 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : hyundai
INFO 68628 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : tesla

Excluding Components with excludeFilters

Similar to includeFilters, we can use FilterType with excludeFilters to exclude classes from getting scanned based on matching criteria.

Let’s modify our ExplicitScan with excludeFilters and tell Spring to exclude classes that extend Car from component scanning.

@ComponentScan(basePackages= "io.reflectoring.vehicles",
public class ExplicitScan {

Note that we did not set useDefaultFilters to false, so that by default, Spring would include all classes in the package.

The output shows that the Hyundai and Tesla beans we excluded and only the other two classes in the package were included in the scan:

INFO 97832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : spaceX
INFO 97832 --- [main] i.reflectoring.componentscan.BeanViewer  : train

Make Your Component Scan as Explicit as Possible

Using the @ComponentScan annotation extensively can quickly lead to confusing rules on how your application is made up! Use it sparingly to make your application context rules as explicit as possible.

A good practice is to explicitly import a @Configuration class with the @Import annotation and add the @ComponentScan annotation to that configuration class to auto-scan only the package of that class. This way, we have clean boundaries between the packages of our application.


In this article, we’ve learned about Spring component stereotypes, what is component scanning and how to use component scanning, and its various attributes which we can modify to get the desired scanning behavior.

Written By:

Nandan BN

Written By:

Nandan BN

Full stack developer, passionate about technology, working for a better future with the help of digital world.

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