Executing Code on Spring Boot Application Startup

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Sometimes we just need to run a snippet of code on application startup, be it only to log that a certain bean has loaded or the application is ready to process requests.

Spring Boot offers at least 5 different ways of executing code on startup, so which one should we choose? This article gives an overview of those different ways and explains when to use which one.

Let’s start by looking at some use cases, though.

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

Why Would I Want to Execute Code at Startup?

The most critical use case of doing something at application startup is when we want our application to start processing certain data only when everything is set up to support that processing.

Imagine our application is event-driven and pulls events from a queue, processes them, and then sends new events to another queue. In this case, we want the application to start pulling events from the source queue only if the connection to the target queue is ready to receive events. So we include some startup logic that activates the event processing once the connection to the target queue is ready.

In a more conventional setting, our application responds to HTTP requests, loads data from a database, and stores data back to the database. We want to start responding to HTTP requests only once the database connection is ready to do its work, otherwise, we would be serving responses with HTTP status 500 until the connection was ready.

Spring Boot takes care of many of those scenarios automatically and will activate certain connections only when the application is “warm”.

For custom scenarios, though, we need a way to react to application startup with custom code. Spring and Spring Boot offer several ways of doing this.

Let’s have a look at each of them in turn.


CommandLineRunner is a simple interface we can implement to execute some code after the Spring application has successfully started up:

class MyCommandLineRunner implements CommandLineRunner {

  private static final Logger logger = ...;

  public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
  if(args.length > 0) {
    logger.info("first command-line parameter: '{}'", args[0]);


When Spring Boot finds a CommandLineRunner bean in the application context, it will call its run() method after the application has started up and pass in the command-line arguments with which the application has been started.

We can now start the application with a command-line parameter like this:

java -jar application.jar --foo=bar

This will produce the following log output:

first command-line parameter: '--foo=bar'

As we can see, the parameter is not parsed but instead interpreted as a single parameter with the value --foo=bar. We’ll later see how an ApplicationRunner parses arguments for us.

Note the Exception in the signature of run(). Even though we don’t need to add it to the signature in our case, because we’re not throwing an exception, it shows that Spring Boot will handle exceptions in our CommandLineRunner. Spring Boot considers a CommandLineRunner to be part of the application startup and will abort the startup when it throws an exception.

Several CommandLineRunners can be put in order using the @Order annotation.

When we want to access simple space-separated command-line parameters, a CommandLineRunner is the way to go.

Don't @Order too much!

While the @Order annotation is very convenient to put certain startup logic fragments into a sequence, it's also a sign that those startup fragments have a dependency on each other. We should strive to have as few dependencies as possible to create a maintainable codebase.

What's more, the @Order annotation creates a hard-to-understand logical dependency instead of an easy-to-catch compile-time dependency. Future you might wonder about the @Order annotation and delete it, causing Armageddon on the way.


We can use an ApplicationRunner instead if we want the command-line arguments parsed:

class MyApplicationRunner implements ApplicationRunner {

  private static final Logger logger = ...;

  public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
  logger.info("foo: {}", args.getOptionValues("foo"));


The ApplicationArguments object gives us access to the parsed command-line arguments. Each argument can have multiple values because they might be used more than once in the command-line. We can get an array of the values for a specific parameter by calling getOptionValues().

Let’s start the application with the foo parameter again:

java -jar application.jar --foo=bar

The resulting log output looks like this:

foo: [bar]

As with CommandLineRunner, an exception in the run() method will abort application startup and several ApplicationRunners can be put in sequence using the @Order annotation. The sequence created by @Order is shared between CommandLineRunners and ApplicationRunners.

We’ll want to use an ApplicationRunner if we need to create some global startup logic with access to complex command-line arguments.


If we don’t need access to command-line parameters, we can tie our startup logic to Spring’s ApplicationReadyEvent:

class MyApplicationListener 
    implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

  private static final Logger logger = ...;

  public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {


The ApplicationReadyEvent is fired only after the application is ready (duh) so that the above listener will execute after all the other solutions described in this article have done their work.

Multiple ApplicationListeners can be put in an order with the @Order annotation. The order sequence is shared only with other ApplicationListeners and not with ApplicationRunners or CommandLineRunners.

An ApplicationListener listening for the ApplicationReadyEvent is the way to go if we need to create some global startup logic without access to command-line parameters. We can still access environment parameters by injecting them with Spring Boot’s support for configuration properties.


Another simple solution to create startup logic is by providing an initializing method that is called by Spring during bean creation. All we have to do is to add the @PostConstruct annotation to a method:

class MyPostConstructBean {

  private static final Logger logger = ...;

  void postConstruct(){


This method will be called by Spring once the bean of type MyPostConstructBean has been successfully instantiated.

The @PostConstruct method is called right after the bean has been created by Spring, so we cannot order it freely with the @Order annotation, as it may depend on other Spring beans that are @Autowired into our bean.

Instead, it will be called after all beans it depends on have been initialized. If we want to add an artificial dependency, and thus create an order, we can use the @DependsOn annotation (same warnings apply as for the @Order annotation!).

A @PostConstruct method is inherently tied to a specific Spring bean so it should be used for the initialization logic of this single bean only.

For global initialization logic, a CommandLineRunner, ApplicationRunner, or ApplicationListener provides a better solution.


Very similar in effect to the @PostConstruct solution, we can implement the InitializingBean interface and let Spring call a certain initializing method:

class MyInitializingBean implements InitializingBean {

  private static final Logger logger = ...;

  public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {


Spring will call the afterPropertiesSet() method during application startup. As the name suggests, we can be sure that all the properties of our bean have been populated by Spring. If we’re using @Autowired on certain properties (which we shouldn’t - we should use constructor injection instead), Spring will have injected beans into those properties before calling afterPropertiesSet() - same as with @PostConstruct.

With both InitializingBean and @PostConstruct we must be careful not to depend on state that has been initialized in the afterPropertiesSet() or @PostConstruct method of another bean. That state may not have been initialized yet and cause a NullPointerException.

If possible, we should use constructor injection and initialize everything we need in the constructor, because that makes this kind of error impossible.


There are many ways of executing code during the startup of a Spring Boot application. Although they look similar, each one behaves slightly different or provides different features so they all have a right to exist.

We can influence the sequence of different startup beans with the @Order annotation but should only use this as a last resort, because it introduces a difficult-to-grasp logical dependency between those beans.

If you want to see all solutions at work, have a look at the GitHub repository.

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded reflectoring.io.

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