Every application above play size requires some parameters at startup. These parameters may, for instance, define which database to connect to, which locale to support or which logging level to apply.
These parameters should be externalized, meaning that we should not bake them into a deployable artifact but instead provide them as a command-line argument or a configuration file when starting the application.
With the @ConfigurationProperties
annotation, Spring boot provides a
convenient way to access such parameters from within the application code.
This tutorial goes into the details of this annotation and shows how to use it to configure a Spring Boot application module.
Example Code
This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.Using @ConfigurationProperties
to Configure a Module
Imagine we’re building a module in our application that is responsible for sending emails. In local tests, we don’t want the module to actually send emails, so we need a parameter to disable this functionality. Also, we want to be able to configure a default subject for these mails, so we can quickly identify emails in our inbox that have been sent from a test environment.
Spring Boot offers many different options
to pass parameters like these into an application.
In this article, we choose to create an application.properties
file with
the parameters we need:
myapp.mail.default-subject=This is a Test
Within our application, we could now access the values of these properties by asking
Spring’s Environment
bean or by using the @Value
annotation, among other
However, there’s a more convenient and safer way to access those properties by
creating a class annotated with @ConfigurationProperties
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private Boolean enabled = Boolean.TRUE;
private String defaultSubject;
// getters / setters
The basic usage of @ConfigurationProperties
is pretty straightforward: we
provide a class with fields for each of the external properties we want to capture.
Note the following:
- The
defines which external properties will be bound to the fields of the class. - The classes' property names must match the names of the external properties according to Spring Boot’s relaxed binding rules.
- We can define a default values by simply initializing a field with a value.
- The class itself can be package private.
- The classes' fields must have public setters.
If we inject a bean of type MailModuleProperties
into an other bean, this
bean can now access the values of those external configuration parameters
in a type-safe manner.
However, we still have to make our @ConfigurationProperties
class known to Spring
so it will be loaded into the application context.
Activating @ConfigurationProperties
For Spring Boot to create a bean of the MailModuleProperties
class, we need to
add it to the application context in one of several ways.
First, we can simply let it be part of a component scan by adding the @Component
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
// ...
This obviously only works if the class in within a package that is scanned for
Spring’s stereotype annotations via @ComponentScan
, which by default is any
class in the package structure below the main application class.
We can achieve the same result using Spring’s Java Configuration feature:
class MailModuleConfiguration {
public MailModuleProperties mailModuleProperties(){
return new MailModuleProperties();
As long as the MailModuleConfiguration
class is scanned by the Spring Boot
application, we’ll have access to a MailModuleProperties
bean in the application
Alternatively, we can use the @EnableConfigurationProperties
annotation to make our
class known to Spring Boot:
class MailModuleConfiguration {
Which is the Best Way to activate a @ConfigurationProperties
All of the above ways are equally valid. I would suggest, however, to
modularize your application and have
each module provide its own @ConfigurationProperties
class with only the properties it needs as we have done for the
mail module in the code above. This makes it easy to refactor properties
in one module without affecting other modules.
For this reason, I would not recommend to use @EnableConfigurationProperties
on the application class itself, as is shown in many other tutorials,
but instead on a module-specific @Configuration
class which might also
make use of package-private visibility to hide the properties from the rest
of the application.
Failing on Unconvertible Properties
What happens if we define a property in our application.properties
that cannot
be interpreted correctly? Say we provide the value 'foo'
for our enabled
that expects a boolean:
By default, Spring Boot will refuse to start the application with an exception:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid boolean value 'foo'
If, for any reason, we don’t want Spring Boot to fail in cases like this, we
can set the ignoreInvalidFields
parameter to true
(default is false
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail", ignoreInvalidFields = true)
class MailModuleProperties {
private Boolean enabled = Boolean.TRUE;
// getters / setters
In this case, Spring Boot will set the enabled
field to the default value
we defined in the Java code. If we don’t initialize the field in the Java code, it would
be null
Failing on Unknown Properties
What happens if we have provided certain properties in our application.properties
file that our MailModuleProperties
class doesn’t know?
myapp.mail.default-subject=This is a Test
By default, Spring Boot will simply ignore properties that could not be bound to
a field in a @ConfigurationProperties
We might, however, want to fail startup when there is a property in the configuration
file that is not actually bound to a @ConfigurationProperties
Maybe we have previously used this configuration property but it has been removed since,
so we want to be triggered to remove it from the application.properties
as well.
If we want startup to fail on unknown properties, we can simply set the ignoreUnknownFields
parameter to false
(default is true
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail", ignoreUnknownFields = false)
class MailModuleProperties {
private Boolean enabled = Boolean.TRUE;
private String defaultSubject;
// getters / setters
We’ll now be rewarded with an exception on application startup that tells us that a certain
property could not be bound to a field in our MailModuleProperties
class since there
was no matching field:
The elements [myapp.mail.unknown-property] were left unbound.
Deprecation Warning
The paramater ignoreUnknownFields
is to be deprecated
in a future Spring Boot version. The reason is that we could have two @ConfigurationProperties
classes bound to the same namespace. A property might be known to one of those classes and unknown to the other,
causing a startup failure although we have two perfectly valid configurations.
Validating @ConfigurationProperties
on Startup
If we want to make sure that the parameters that the configuration parameters passed into
the application are valid, we can add bean validation
annotations to the fields and the @Validated
annotation to the class itself:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
@NotNull private Boolean enabled = Boolean.TRUE;
@NotEmpty private String defaultSubject;
// getters / setters
If we now forget to set the enabled
property in our application.properties
and leave the defaultSubject
empty, we’ll get a BindValidationException
on startup:
Binding validation errors on myapp.mail
- Field error in object 'myapp.mail' on field 'enabled': rejected value [null]; ...
- Field error in object 'myapp.mail' on field 'defaultSubject': rejected value []; ...
If we need a validation that’s not supported by the default bean validation annotations, we can create a custom bean validation annotation.
And if our validation logic is too special for bean validation, we can implement
it in a method annotated with @PostConstruct
that throws an exception if the validation
Complex Property Types
Most parameters we want to pass into our application are primitive strings or numbers.
In some cases, though, we have a parameter that we’d like to bind to a field in our
class that has a complex datatype like a List.
Lists and Sets
Imagine we need to provide a list of SMTP servers to our mail module.
We can simply add a List
field to our MailModuleProperties
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private List<String> smtpServers;
// getters / setters
Spring Boot automatically fills this list if we use the array notation
in our application.properties
YAML has built-in support for list types, so if we use an
instead, the configuration file we better readable
for us humans:
- server1
- server2
We can bind parameters to Set
fields in the same way.
Spring Boot has built-in support for parsing durations from a configuration parameter:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private Duration pauseBetweenMails;
// getters / setters
This duration can either be provided as a long to indicate milliseconds or
in a textual, human-readable way that includes the unit
(one of ns
, us
, ms
, s
, m
, h
, d
File Sizes
In a very similar manner, we can provide configuration parameters that define a file size:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private DataSize maxAttachmentSize;
// getters / setters
The DataSize
type is provided by the Spring Framework itself. We can now provide
a file size configuration parameter as a long to indicate the number of bytes
or with a unit (one of B
, KB
, MB
, GB
, TB
Custom Types
In rare cases, we might want to parse a configuration parameter into a custom value object. Imagine that we want to provide the (hypothetical) maximum attachment weight for an email:
We want to bind this property to a field of our custom type Weight
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private Weight maxAttachmentWeight;
// getters / setters
There are two light-weight options to make Spring Boot automatically parse the String ('5kg'
into an object of type Weight
- the
class provides a constructor that takes a single String ('5kg'
) as an argument, or - the
class provides a staticvalueOf
method that takes a single String as an argument and returns aWeight
If we cannot provide a constructor or a valueOf
method, we’re stuck with the slightly
more invasive option of creating a custom converter:
class WeightConverter implements Converter<String, Weight> {
public Weight convert(String source) {
// create and return a Weight object from the String
Once we have created our converter, we have to make it known to Spring Boot:
class MailModuleConfiguration {
public WeightConverter weightConverter() {
return new WeightConverter();
It’s important to add the @ConfigurationPropertiesBinding
annotation to let Spring
Boot know that this converter is needed during the binding of configuration properties.
email Attachments with a Weight?
Obviously, emails cannot have "real" attachments with a weight. I'm quite aware of this. I had a hard time to come up with an example for a custom configuration type, though, since this is a rare case indeed.
Using the Spring Boot Configuration Processor for Auto-Completion
Ever wanted auto-completion for any of Spring Boot’s built-in configuration parameters? Or your own configuration properties?
Spring Boot provides a configuration processor that collects data from
all @ConfigurationProperties
annotations it finds in the classpath
to create a JSON file with some metadata. IDEs can use this JSON file to
provide features like auto-completion.
All we have to do is to add the dependency to the configuration processor to our project (gradle notation):
dependencies {
annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor'
When we build our project, the configuration processor now creates a JSON file that looks something like this:
"groups": [
"name": "myapp.mail",
"type": "io.reflectoring.configuration.mail.MailModuleProperties",
"sourceType": "io.reflectoring.configuration.mail.MailModuleProperties"
"properties": [
"name": "myapp.mail.enabled",
"type": "java.lang.Boolean",
"sourceType": "io.reflectoring.configuration.mail.MailModuleProperties",
"defaultValue": true
"name": "myapp.mail.default-subject",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "io.reflectoring.configuration.mail.MailModuleProperties"
"hints": []
To get auto-completion in IntelliJ, we just install the Spring Assistant
plugin. If we now hit CMD+Space in an application.properties
or application.yml
file, we get an auto-completion popup:

I’d like to provide information about how to use the auto-completion feature for configuration properties in Eclipse, but I didn’t get it to work. If you have successfully done so, please let me know in the comments. I’d love to put that information here.
Marking a Configuration Property as Deprecated
A nice feature of the configuration processor is that it allows us to mark properties as deprecated:
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "myapp.mail")
class MailModuleProperties {
private String defaultSubject;
reason = "not needed anymore",
replacement = "none")
public String getDefaultSubject(){
return this.defaultSubject;
// setter
We can simply add the @DeprecatedConfigurationProperty
annotation to a field
our our @ConfigurationProperties
class and the configuration processor will
include deprecation information in the meta data:
"name": "myapp.mail.default-subject",
"type": "java.lang.String",
"sourceType": "io.reflectoring.configuration.mail.MailModuleProperties",
"deprecated": true,
"deprecation": {
"reason": "not needed anymore",
"replacement": "none"
This information is then provided to us when typing away in the properties file (IntelliJ, in this case):

Spring Boot’s @ConfigurationProperties
annotation is a powerful tool to bind
configuration parameters to type-safe fields in a Java bean.
Instead of simply creating one configuration bean for our application, we can take advantage of this feature to create a separate configuration bean for each of our modules, giving us the flexibility to evolve each module separately not only in code, but also in configuration.