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Book Review: Everybody Writes

TL;DR: Read this Book, when… you want to become a better writer (especially, but not exclusively, in online marketing) you are writing for a blog or marketing department you want to learn some tricks on how to keep writing Overview The book {% include book-link.

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Building a Multi-Module Spring Boot Application with Gradle

The Spring Initializr is a great way to quickly create a Spring Boot application from scratch. It creates a single Gradle file that we can expand upon to grow our application.

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Book Review: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

TL;DR: Read this Book, when… you’re ready to change the way you think about your interaction with the world around you you want to be more effective in communicating with those around you you want to learn some motives why you should change your habits Overview I read the book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey in my quest to shape my habits to be more productive at the things I do.

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5 Reasons Why Business Exceptions Are a Bad Idea

I recently had a conversation about exception handling. I argued that business exceptions are a good thing because they clearly mark the possible failures of a business method.

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Book Review: Deep Work

TL;DR: Read this Book, when… you want to get more productive at knowledge work (yes, software development is knowledge work!

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Paging with Spring Boot

As a user of a web application we’re expecting pages to load quickly and only show the information that’s relevant to us.

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