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Implementing a Cache with Spring Boot

We use a cache to protect the database or to avoid cost-intensive calculations. Spring provides an abstraction layer for implementing a cache.

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Distributed Cache with Hazelcast and Spring

In some applications, we need to protect the database or avoid cost-intensive calculations. We can use a cache for this goal.

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Validate Spring Boot Configuration Parameters at Startup

One of the important steps to keep software applications customizable is effective configuration management. Modern frameworks provide out-of-the-box features to externalize configuration parameters.

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The AWS Journey Part 3: Connecting a Spring Boot Application to an RDS Instance with CloudFormation

The AWS Journey Part 3: Connecting a Spring Boot Application to an RDS Instance with CloudFormation

The AWS journey started with deploying a Spring Boot application in a Docker container manually. In the previous episode, we then automated the deployment with CloudFormation.

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Book Notes: Accelerate

TL;DR: Read this Book, when… you want to know what makes software teams (and their companies) successful you need arguments for moving towards DevOps you are interested in the science behind a survey Book Facts Title: Accelerate Authors: Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim Word Count: ~ 55.

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Testing Database Migration Scripts with Spring Boot and Testcontainers

Database migration with tools like Flyway or Liquibase requires creating SQL scripts and running them on a database. Although the database is an external dependency, we have to test the SQL scripts, because it is our code.

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