Implementing a Consumer-Driven Contract between a Node Message Consumer and a Node Message Producer

Table Of Contents

Consumer-driven contract (CDC) tests are a technique to test integration points between API providers and API consumers without the hassle of end-to-end tests (read it up in a recent blog post). A common use case for consumer-driven contract tests is testing interfaces between services in a microservice architecture.

In this article, we’re going to create a contract between a Node-based consumer and provider of asynchronous messages with Pact.

We’ll then create a consumer and a provider test verifying that both the consumer and provider work as defined by the contract.

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

Setting Up a Node Project

Let’s start by setting up a Node project from scratch that will later contain both, the message consumer and the message provider.

Note that in the real world, the consumer and producer will most likely be in completely different projects.

To set up the project, we create a package.json file with the following content:

// package.json
  "name": "pact-node-messages",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test:pact:consumer": "mocha src/consumer/*.spec.js --exit",
    "test:pact:provider": "mocha src/provider/*.spec.js --exit",
    "publish:pact": "node pact/publish.js"
  "author": "Zaphod Beeblebrox",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@pact-foundation/pact": "^7.0.3",
    "mocha": "^5.2.0"

Noteworthy in the package.json file are the scripts and devDependencies sections.

In the devDependencies section, we pull in the following dependencies used only in tests:

  • we use @pact-foundation/pact as the framework to facilitate our contract tests, both for the consumer and provider side
  • we use mocha as the testing framework to drive the contract tests.

In the scripts section, we have created three scripts:

  • with npm test:pact:consumer, we tell mocha to run the consumer-side contract tests
  • with npm publish:pact, we can publish the contract file created by the consumer-side contract test
  • with npm test:pact:provider, we can then tell mocha to run the provider-side contract tests against the previously published contracts

Note the --exit in both test scripts. This is added to tell mocha to kill the process after having run all tests, instead of waiting for changes in the source files and then automatically re-running the tests. This is needed to make the tests runnable within a CI pipeline.

Defining the Message Structure

Since we want to exchange a message between a consumer and a provider, the next step is to define the message structure.

As an example to work with, we’ll use the “Hero” domain. The message provider wants to express that a new Hero has been created, so we create a class named HeroCreatedEvent that both the consumer and the provider can use to send and receive a message (the terms “event” and “message” are used interchangably in the rest of this tutorial):

// ./src/common/hero-created-event.js
class HeroCreatedEvent {

    constructor(name, superpower, universe, id) { = id; = name;
        this.superpower = superpower;
        this.universe = universe;

    static validateUniverse(event) {
        if (typeof event.universe !== 'string') {
            throw new Error(`Hero universe must be a string! Invalid value: ${event.universe}`)

    static validateSuperpower(event) {
        if (typeof event.superpower !== 'string') {
            throw new Error(`Hero superpower must be a string! Invalid value: ${event.superpower}`)

    static validateName(event) {
        if (typeof !== 'string') {
            throw new Error(`Hero name must be a string! Invalid value: ${}`);

    static validateId(event) {
        if (typeof !== 'number') {
            throw new Error(`Hero id must be a number! Invalid value: ${}`)

module.exports = HeroCreatedEvent;

The class simply contains a couple of attributes and a method to validate each attribute. We’ll talk about why validation is important later.

There are probably a lot of other, not-so-verbose, ways of doing validation in Javascript, but bear with me here :).

Implementing the Message Consumer

When doing consumer-driven contracts we start with the consumer-side. So let’s see how to implement the consumer.

Message Handler

Our message consumer should receive a HeroCreatedEvent, so we’re simply building an event handler with a function that takes an object and validates if it really is a HeroCreatedEvent:

// ./src/consumer/hero-event-handler.js
const HeroCreatedEvent = require('../common/hero-created-event');

exports.HeroEventHandler = {
    handleHeroCreatedEvent: (message) => {


        // ... pass the event into domain logic

Again, such an event handler can be implemented in a myriad of other ways, it’s just important that it takes an event as an argument and validates that it really has all attributes expected of such an event.

The handler should then forward the event to the domain logic that actually processes the event.

The handler should not implement that domain logic itself. Instead, in the context of the upcoming contract test, the domain logic should be mocked away, for example by using dependency injection.

This way, we don’t have to pull up a database and whatever other dependencies our consumer application needs to function properly.

What About My Messaging Middleware?

You might be wondering where the messaging middleware comes into play. We might use an on-premise messaging platform like Kafka or RabbitMQ or we could use a cloud provider like Amazon Kinesis.

However, for our contract tests, the messaging middleware is irrelevant. We want to verify that provider and consumer speak the same language (i.e. use the same message structure). We don’t want to test connectivity to our messaging middleware.

To be able to test the message structure without the messaging middleware, we need a clean architecture for our message handler.

In production, there will be a message listener in front of our handler that actually connects to the middleware and forwards the plain message to the handler.

The handler in turn forwards the validated message to the domain logic, which we can mock away in the contract test.

Consumer-Side Contract Test

Let’s create the consumer-side contract test next:

// ./src/consumer/hero-event-handler.spec.js
const {MessageConsumerPact, Matchers, synchronousBodyHandler}  
    = require('@pact-foundation/pact');
const {HeroEventHandler} = require('./hero-event-handler');
const path = require('path');

describe("message consumer", () => {

    const messagePact = new MessageConsumerPact({
        consumer: "node-message-consumer",
        provider: "node-message-provider",
        dir: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "pacts"),
        pactfileWriteMode: "update",
        logLevel: "info",

    describe("'hero created' message Handler", () => {

        it("should accept a valid hero created message", (done) => {
                .expectsToReceive("a hero created message")
                    universe: Matchers.term({generate: "DC", matcher: "^(DC|Marvel)$"})
                    "content-type": "application/json",
                .then(() => done(), (error) => done(error));

In the test, we create a MessageConsumerPact and provide some metadata for the contract:

  • the consumer option defines the name of the consumer application
  • the provider option defines the name of the provider application we’re receiving the message from
  • with the dir option we can point to the directory where Pact should create the contract files (“pact files”)
  • the pactfileWriteMode option defines if existing pact files should be updated or overwritten
  • the logLevel option finally defines the granularity of Pact’s logging output.

We’re using the MessageConsumerPact object in the test to define a message interaction between the provider and consumer. In this interaction, we define the structure of the message, i.e. the attributes of a HeroCreatedEvent.

This is our contract definition and will be stored in a pact file later.

Next, we’re passing our event handler into the verify function. Depending on whether our event handler returns synchronously or asynchronously (i.e. returns a Promise), we have to wrap it into a synchronousBodyHandler or a asynchronousBodyHandler.

Pact will now create a message from the contract we have defined above and pass it into the handler. Since the handler verifies incoming messages, the test will fail if the contract defines a different structure from the structure the handler expects.

This is why the validation in the handler is so important. If the validation step was missing, the test might be green even for messages not matching the domain logic’s expectations, leading to painful errors in production.

We can now run the test with the command npm run test:pact:consumer and it should pass and create a pact file in the ./pacts folder.

Publishing the Contract

Since the provider needs the contract for testing, we need to publish it. We can do so with a simple script:

// ./pact/publish.js
let publisher = require('@pact-foundation/pact-node');
let path = require('path');

let opts = {
    pactFilesOrDirs: [path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts')],
    pactBroker: 'BROKER_URL',
    pactBrokerUsername: process.env.PACT_USERNAME,
    pactBrokerPassword: process.env.PACT_PASSWORD,
    consumerVersion: '2.0.0'

  () => console.log("Pacts successfully published"));

When this script is called, it will send all pacts in the ./pacts folder to the specified Pact Broker. A Pact Broker serves as neutral ground between the consumer and provider that both can access from a CI pipeline.

We can now publish the pact created earlier with the command npm run publish:pact.

Implementing the Message Provider

Now that the Pact is published, we can implement and test the message provider.

Message Producer

Similar to the message handler on the consumer side, the message producer has a very specific responsibility, namely being the single instance in the provider application that creates HeroCreatedEvents:

// ./src/provider/hero-event-producer.js
const HeroCreatedEvent = require('../common/hero-created-event');

exports.CreateHeroEventProducer = {
    produceHeroCreatedEvent: () => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            resolve(new HeroCreatedEvent("Superman", "Flying", "DC", 42));

I’ll stress it again to make the importance clear: the above event producer must be the single place in the whole provider application where events of Type HeroCreatedEvent are created.

This way we’re making sure that in our provider test, we’re testing against the message structure that is actually used in the provider code base.

Also similar to the consumer side, the message producer needs no connection to the messaging middleware. In production, the domain logic will call our producer to create an event and then pass it to the messaging middleware.

If you desing the message producer to send the events to the messaging middleware directly, make sure to mock that dependency away in the upcoming contract test.

Provider-Side Contract Test

Let’s verify that our message producer implementation actually creates messages that satisfy the contract’s dependencies.

For this, we create another test:

// ./src/provider/hero-event-producer.spec.js
const {MessageProviderPact} = require('@pact-foundation/pact');
const {CreateHeroEventProducer} = require('./hero-event-producer');
const path = require('path');

describe("message producer", () => {

    const messagePact = new MessageProviderPact({
        messageProviders: {
            "a hero created message": 
                () => CreateHeroEventProducer.produceHeroCreatedEvent(),
        log: path.resolve(process.cwd(), "logs", "pact.log"),
        logLevel: "info",
        provider: "node-message-provider",
        pactBrokerUrl: "BROKER_URL",
        pactBrokerUsername: process.env.PACT_USERNAME,
        pactBrokerPassword: process.env.PACT_PASSWORD

    describe("'hero created' message producer", () => {

        it("should create a valid hero created message", (done) => {
                .then(() => done(), (error) => done(error));



First, we’re creating an instance of MessageProviderPact and again provide some metadata:

  • in the messageProviders map, we define a message producer for each interaction of the contracts we’re testing; this is where we pass in our producer implementation
  • the log option allows to specify the path to a log file (definitely check this log file when running into errors!)
  • the provider option allows us to define the name of our provider; Pact will verify the provider against all contracts from the Pact Broker that it finds with this provider name
  • with the pactBroker* options we define the connection to the Pact Broker

Note that due to a bug or configuration error I was not able to successfully run the provider test against a pact broker (in fact, the test always succeeded, even if the message producer produced a message with an invalid structure). Instead, I use the pactUrls option to load the contract from a file until the issue is solved.

In the actual test, we’re simply calling the verify() function on the MessageProviderPact instance. Pact will then run through all contracts associated with the provider and call our message producer to create an event. Pact will then check that the structure of that event matches to the structure defined in the contract.

We can now run the provider test with the command npm run test:pact:provider and it should succeed. If we change the event producer to return an invalid event it should fail.


In this tutorial, we have created a messaging consumer and provider based on Node and tested them against a contract created with Pact.

We learned that for those contract tests we don’t need a connection to the actual messaging middleware and that it’s important to validate incoming messages on the consumer side and to have a single point of responsibility for creating messages on the provider side.

You can access the code examples on my github repo.

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded

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