Exposing Metrics of a Spring Boot Application for Prometheus

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Monitoring is an important quality requirement for applications that claim to be production-ready. In a previous blog post I discussed how to expose metrics of your Spring Boot application with the help of the Dropwizard Metrics library. This blog post shows how to expose metrics in a format that Prometheus understands.

Why Prometheus?

Prometheus represents the newest generation of monitoring tools. It contains a time-series database that promises efficient storage of monitoring metrics and provides a query language for sophisticated queries of those metrics. Prometheus promises to be better suited to modern, dynamically changing microservice architectures than other monitoring tools.

An apparent drawback of Prometheus is that it does not provide a dashboard UI where you can define several metrics you want to monitor and see their current and historical values. Prometheus developers argue that there are tools that already do that pretty good. Grafana is such a tool that provides a datasource for Prometheus data off-the-shelf. However, Prometheus does provide a simple UI you can use to do adhoc queries to your monitoring metrics.

That being said, Prometheus was on my list of tools to check out, so that’s the main reason I’m having a look at how to provide monitoring data in the correct format :).

Prometheus Data Format

Prometheus can scrape a set of endpoints for monitoring metrics. Each server node in your system must provide such an endpoint that returns the node’s metrics in a text-based data format that Prometheus understands. At the time of this writing, the current version of that format is 0.0.4. Prometheus takes care of regularly collecting the monitoring metrics from all configured nodes and storing them in the time-series database for later querying.

The data format looks pretty simple on first look. A simple counter can be expressed like this:

# HELP counter_name A human-readable help text for the metric
# TYPE counter_name counter
counter_name 42

On second look, however, the data format is a lot more expressive and complex. The following snippet exposes a summary metric that defines the duration of certain requests in certain quantiles (a quantile of 0.99 meaning that 99% of the requests took less that the value and the other 1% took more):

# HELP summary_metric A human-readable help text for the metric
# TYPE summary_metric summary
summary_metric{quantile="0.5",} 5.0
summary_metric{quantile="0.75",} 6.0
summary_metric{quantile="0.95",} 7.0
summary_metric{quantile="0.98",} 8.0
summary_metric{quantile="0.99",} 9.0
summary_metric{quantile="0.999",} 10.0
summary_metric_count 42

The key-value pairs within the parentheses are called ‘labels’ in Prometheus-speech. You can define any labels you would later like to query, the label quantile being a special label used for the summary metric type.

Further details of the Prometheus data format can be looked up at the Prometheus website.

Producing the Prometheus Data Format with Spring Boot

If you read my previous blog post, you know how to expose metrics in a Spring Boot application using Dropwizard metrics and the Spring Boot Actuator plugin. The data format exposed by Spring Boot Actuator is a simple JSON format, however, that cannot be scraped by Prometheus. Thus, we need to transform our metrics into the Prometheus format.

Prometheus Dependencies

First off, we need to add the following dependencies to our Spring Boot application (Gradle notation):

compile "io.prometheus:simpleclient_spring_boot:0.0.21"
compile "io.prometheus:simpleclient_hotspot:0.0.21"
compile "io.prometheus:simpleclient_dropwizard:0.0.21"

Configuring the Prometheus Endpoint

public class PrometheusConfiguration {

  private MetricRegistry dropwizardMetricRegistry;

  public PrometheusConfiguration(MetricRegistry dropwizardMetricRegistry) {
    this.dropwizardMetricRegistry = dropwizardMetricRegistry;

  public void registerPrometheusCollectors() {
    new StandardExports().register();
    new MemoryPoolsExports().register();
    new DropwizardExports(dropwizardMetricRegistry).register();
    ... // more metric exports

The simpleclient_spring_boot library provides the @EnablePrometheusEndpoint annotation which we add to a class that is also annotated with Spring’s @Configuration annotation so that it is picked up in a Spring component scan. By default, this creates an HTTP endpoint accessible via /prometheus that exposes all registered metrics in the Prometheus data format.

In a @PostConstruct method we register all metrics that we want to have exposed via the Prometheus endpoint. The StandardExports and MemoryPoolExports classes are both provided by the simpleclient_hotspot library and expose metrics concerning the server’s memory. The DropwizardExports class is provided by the simpleclient_dropwizard library and registers all metrics in the specified Dropwizard MetricRegistry object to the new Prometheus endpoint and takes care of translating them into the correct format.

Note that the call to CollectorRegistry.defaultRegistry.clear() is a workaround for unit tests failing due to ‘metric already registered’ errors. This error occurs since defaultRegistry is static and the Spring context is fired up multiple times during unit testing. I would have wished that a CollectorRegistry simply ignored the fact that a metric is already registered… .

For a list of all available libraries that provide or translate metrics for Java applications, have a look at the GitHub repo. They are not as well documented as I would have hoped, but they mostly contain only a few classes so that a look under the hood should help in most cases.

After firing up your application, the metrics should be available in Prometheus format at http://localhost:8080/prometheus.

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded reflectoring.io.

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