Software Craft

Insights from YOW! 2019

I visited the YOW! conference in Sydney in December 2019. What better way to persist what I learned than in a blog post?

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Hexagonal Architecture with Java and Spring

The term “Hexagonal Architecture” has been around for a long time. Long enough that the primary source on this topic has been offline for a while and has only recently been rescued from the archives.

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Immutables in Java - Are Setters Allowed?

In short, no. Feel free to jump right ahead to the section on bad practices. If you want to read a bit more on the why and how of immutables, have a look at the rest of this article.

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What is Upstream and Downstream in Software Development?

In the recent past, I stumbled a few times over the definition of the words “upstream” and “downstream” in various software development contexts.

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Build Once, Run Anywhere: Externalize Your Configuration

Most software that does more than a “hello world” needs to be configured in some way or another in order to function in a certain environment.

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Why You Should Enforce 100% Code Coverage*

Yeah, I know. Everyone says aiming for 100% code coverage is bullshit. And the way test coverage is usually defined, I fully agree!

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