
Implementing Retry with Resilience4j

In this article, we’ll start with a quick intro to Resilience4j and then deep dive into its Retry module. We’ll learn when and how to use it, and what features it provides.

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Reactive Multi-Threading with RxJava - Pitfalls and Solutions

I recently had a rough time refactoring a multi-threaded, reactive message processor. It just didn’t seem to be working the way I expected.

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Hexagonal Architecture with Java and Spring

The term “Hexagonal Architecture” has been around for a long time. Long enough that the primary source on this topic has been offline for a while and has only recently been rescued from the archives.

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Immutables in Java - Are Setters Allowed?

In short, no. Feel free to jump right ahead to the section on bad practices. If you want to read a bit more on the why and how of immutables, have a look at the rest of this article.

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Mocking with (and without) Spring Boot

Mockito is a very popular library to support testing. It allows us to replace real objects with “mocks”, i.e. with objects that are not the real thing and whose behavior we can control within our test.

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Bean Validation Anti-Patterns

Bean Validation is the de-facto standard for implementing validation logic in the Java ecosystem and it’s a great tool to have around.

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