Classic APIs Offered by Apache HttpClient

Table Of Contents

In this article, we are going to learn about the classic APIs offered by Apache HttpClient. We are going to explore the different ways Apache HttpClient helps us to send and receive data over the internet in classic (synchronous) mode. From simple GET requests to complex multipart POST requests, we’ll cover it all with real-world examples. So get ready to learn how to implement HTTP interactions with Apache HttpClient!

The “Create an HTTP Client with Apache HttpClient” Series

This article is the third part of a series:

  1. Introduction to Apache HttpClient
  2. Apache HttpClient Configuration
  3. Classic APIs Offered by Apache HttpClient
  4. Async APIs Offered by Apache HttpClient
  5. Reactive APIs Offered by Apache HttpClient

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

We have grouped the examples under following categories of APIs: classic, async, and reactive. In this article, we will learn about the classic APIs offered by Apache HttpClient.

Reqres Fake Data CRUD API

We are going to use Reqres API Server to test different HTTP methods. It is a free online API that can be used for testing and prototyping. It provides a variety of endpoints that can be used to test different HTTP methods. The Reqres API is a good choice for testing CRUD operations because it supports all the HTTP methods that CRUD allows.

HttpClient (Classic APIs)

In this section of examples we are going to learn how to use HttpClient for sending requests and consuming responses in synchronous mode. The client code will wait until it receives a response from the server.

HTTP and CRUD Operations

CRUD operations refer to Create, Read, Update, and Delete actions performed on data. In the context of HTTP endpoints for a /users resource:

  • Create: Use HTTP POST to add a new user: POST /users
  • Read: Use HTTP GET to retrieve user data: GET /users/{userId} for a specific user or GET /users?page=1 for a list of users with pagination.
  • Update: Use HTTP PUT or PATCH to modify user data: PUT /users/{userId}
  • Delete: Use HTTP DELETE to remove a user: DELETE /users/{userId}

Now let’s learn to process HTTP responses using a response handler.

The motivation behind using a response handler in Apache HttpClient is to provide a structured and reusable way to process HTTP responses.

Response handlers encapsulate the logic for extracting data from HTTP responses, allowing developers to define how to handle different types of responses in a modular and consistent manner.

By using response handlers, developers can centralize error handling, data extraction, and resource cleanup, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code.

Additionally, response handlers promote code reusability, as the same handler can be used across multiple HTTP requests with similar response processing requirements.

Overall, response handlers enhance the flexibility, readability, and maintainability of code that interacts with HTTP responses using Apache HttpClient.

Overview of Executing and Testing HTTP Methods

Before we start going through the code snippet, let’s understand the general structure of the logic to execute HTTP methods and unit test to verify the logic. Here is the sample code to execute an HTTP method:

public class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper extends BaseHttpRequestHelper {
 public String executeHttpMethod(Map<String, String> optionalRequestParameters)
      throws RequestProcessingException {

    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      // Create request
      HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
      // Populate NameValuePair list from optionalRequestParameters
      // Populate URI
      // Populate HTTP request
      // Create a response handler
      BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
      String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpRequest, handler);

      return responseBody;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

We define a class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper that extends BaseHttpRequestHelper. It contains a method executeHttpMethod() that takes optional request parameters as input and returns the response body as a string.

Inside the method, we create an HTTP client using HttpClients.createDefault(). Then we create an HTTP host object representing the target host. Next, we prepare the HTTP request by populating parameters such as name-value pairs, URI, and HTTP method.

After preparing the request, we create a response handler of type BasicHttpClientResponseHandler to handle the response. Finally, we execute the HTTP request using the HTTP client, passing the host, request, and handler, and returns the response body as a string. If any exception occurs during this process, we throw a RequestProcessingException with an appropriate error message.

Here is a test case to verify this functionality:

public class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelperTests extends BaseClassicExampleTests {

  private UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper userHttpRequestHelper =
      new UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper();

  /** Execute HTTP request. */
  void executeHttpMethod() {
    try {
      // prepare optional request parameters
      Map<String, String> params = Map.of("page", "1");

      // execute
      String responseBody = userHttpRequestHelper.executeHttpMethod(params);

      // verify
    } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

Inside the test method, we first prepare the optional request parameters, creating a map containing key-value pairs. These parameters might include details such as the page number for pagination.

Then, we invoke the executeHttpMethod() method of the UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper, passing the prepared parameters. This method executes an HTTP request using the Apache HttpClient and returns the response body as a string.

After executing the HTTP request, the test verifies the response body. It asserts that the response body is not empty, ensuring that the HTTP request was successful and returned some data.

If any exception occurs during the execution of the test, the test fails and provides details about the failure, including the exception message. It properly reports any errors encountered during the test execution.

HTTP Methods Used to Create Records

There’s one CRUD method to create records: POST.

Executing an HTTP POST Request to Create a New Record

We use HTTP POST to create a new user. We need to provide the details needed to create a new user.

Here’s the code to create a new record:

public String createUser(
  String firstName, String lastName, String email, String avatar
) throws RequestProcessingException {
  try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    // Create request
    List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("first_name", firstName));
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("last_name", lastName));
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("email", email));
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("avatar", avatar));
  try (UrlEncodedFormEntity entity =
        new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
    HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
    URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/").build();
    HttpPost httpPostRequest = new HttpPost(uri);
    // Create a response handler
    BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
    String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpPostRequest, handler);
    return responseBody;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to create user.", e);

The example illustrates a method for creating a new user by sending an HTTP POST request to the specified endpoint. We construct a list of form parameters containing the user’s details such as first name, last name, email, and avatar. Then call the execute() method and receive a response body containing the created user’s data.

And here’s the test:

void executePostRequest() {
  try {
    // execute
    String createdUser =
            "DummyFirst", "DummyLast", "", "DummyAvatar");
    // verify
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

The unit test verifies the functionality of the createUser() method. It calls the createUser() method with dummy user details (first name, last name, email, and avatar). The response represents the created user’s data. Using assertions, the test verifies the response.

HTTP Methods Used to Read Records

The CRUD methods to read records are: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE.

Executing an HTTP GET Request to Get Paginated Records

We use an HTTP GET request to retrieve a single record as well as records in bulk. Furthermore, we can use pagination to split requests that return large responses into multiple requests.

Pagination, Its Advantages, Disadvantages, and Complexities

Pagination in HTTP request processing involves dividing large sets of data into smaller, manageable pages. Clients specify the page they want using parameters like page=1. The server processes the request, retrieves the relevant page of data, and returns it to the client, enabling efficient data retrieval and presentation. Advantages of pagination include improved performance, reduced server load, enhanced user experience, and efficient handling of large datasets.

Pagination in HTTP REST calls can cause complexities on both the server and client sides. Server-side complexities include additional logic for managing paginated data, increased resource usage for deep pagination, potential data consistency issues due to changing underlying data, and scalability challenges in distributed systems.

On the client side, complexities arise from managing the pagination state, handling additional network overhead due to more HTTP requests, ensuring a smooth user experience with pagination controls, and managing errors during pagination. These factors can impact performance, user experience, and scalability, requiring careful design and error handling on both the server and client sides.

Let’s implement a paginated HTTP GET request using a response handler:

public class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper extends BaseHttpRequestHelper {
 public String getPaginatedUsers(Map<String, String> requestParameters)
      throws RequestProcessingException {
    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      // Create request
      HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
      List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = requestParameters.entrySet().stream()
      .map(entry -> new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()))
    .map(entry -> (NameValuePair) entry)
      URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/").addParameters(nameValuePairs).build();  
      HttpGet httpGetRequest = new HttpGet(uri);
      // Create a response handler
      BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
      String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpGetRequest, handler);

      return responseBody;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to get paginated users.", e);

The code defines the getPaginatedUsers() method to retrieve a list of users from an external API, specified by the request parameters map. The requestParameters are mapped into a list of NameValuePairs. Then we create HttpGet instance, representing the GET request, and call HttpClient’s execute() method. It stores the response body returned by the server in the responseBody variable.

Here is a test case to verify this functionality:

public class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelperTests extends BaseClassicExampleTests {

  private UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper userHttpRequestHelper =
      new UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper();

  /** Execute get paginated request. */
  void executeGetPaginatedRequest() {
    try {
      // prepare
      Map<String, String> params = Map.of("page", "1");

      // execute
      String responseBody = userHttpRequestHelper.getAllUsers(params);

      // verify
    } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

In the test method executeGetPaginatedRequest(), we populate the request parameter (page=1) and execute an HTTP GET request to retrieve the first page of paginated users and verify the response.

Executing an HTTP GET Request to Get a Specific Record

Let’s execute HTTP GET request to get a specific user record using a response handler:

public class UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper extends BaseHttpRequestHelper {
 /** Gets user for given user id. */
 public String getUser(long userId) throws RequestProcessingException {
    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      // Create request
      HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
      HttpGet httpGetRequest 
        = new HttpGet(new URIBuilder("/api/users/" + userId).build());
      // Create a response handler
      BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
      String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpGetRequest, handler);

      return responseBody;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RequestProcessingException(
          MessageFormat.format("Failed to get user for ID: {0}", userId), e);

In this example, the getUser() method retrieves a user by its id. As we have learned in getAllUsers() code example, in this case also, we create a HttpGet request object, a HttpHost object and response handler. Then we call the execute() method on the client and obtain the response in string form.

Here’s test case that verifies execute specific request:

/** Execute get specific request. */
void executeGetSpecificRequest() {
  try {
    // prepare
    long userId = 2L;
    // execute
    String existingUser = userHttpRequestHelper.getUser(userId);
    // verify
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

In this example, we call getUser() method to get user with specific id and then check its response.

Executing an HTTP HEAD Request to Get the Status of a Record

The HEAD method in HTTP can request information about a document without retrieving the document itself. It is similar to GET, but it does not receive the response body. It’s used for caching, resource existence, modification checks, and link validation. Faster than GET, it saves bandwidth by omitting response data, making it ideal for resource checks and link validation, optimizing network efficiency.

Here is the code to execute HTTP HEAD request to get the status of a specific user record using a response handler:

public Integer getUserStatus(long userId) throws RequestProcessingException {
  try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    // Create request
    HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
    URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/" + userId).build();
    HttpHead httpHeadRequest = new HttpHead(uri);

    // Create a response handler, lambda to implement
    // HttpClientResponseHandler::handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse response)
    HttpClientResponseHandler<Integer> handler = HttpResponse::getCode;
    Integer code = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpHeadRequest, handler);"Got response status code: {}", code);
    return code;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RequestProcessingException(
        MessageFormat.format("Failed to get user for ID: {0}", userId), e);

In this example, we send a HEAD request to the user endpoint to retrieve the status code of an HTTP request without fetching the response body.

Test for this functionality:

/** Execute get specific request. */
void executeUserStatus() {
  try {
    // prepare
    long userId = 2L;
    // execute
    Integer userStatus = userHttpRequestHelper.getUserStatus(userId);
    // verify
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

This test method verifies the status returned by the HEAD method for a user. First, it prepares the user ID to be used in the request. Then, it executes the getUserStatus() method from the UserSimpleHttpRequestHelper class to fetch the status code for the specified user ID. Finally, it verifies that the obtained user status is equal to HttpStatus.SC_OK (200), indicating a successful request.

Executing an HTTP OPTIONS Request to Find out Request Methods Allowed by Server

The HTTP OPTION method is a type of HTTP call that explains what are the options for a target resource such as an API endpoint. We can use OPTION to find out which HTTP methods the server supports.

Here’s the command line example to execute it:

curl -X OPTIONS -i

We can also find out the allowed methods for specific URI path:

curl -X OPTIONS -i

We get a response from the server as below:

HTTP/2 204
date: Sat, 24 Feb 2024 05:02:34 GMT
report - to: {
    "group": "heroku-nel",
    "max_age": 3600,
    "endpoints": [{
            "url": "
nel: {
    "report_to": "heroku-nel",
    "max_age": 3600,
    "success_fraction": 0.005,
    "failure_fraction": 0.05,
    "response_headers": ["Via"]
x-powered-by: Express
access-control-allow-origin: *
access-control-allow-methods: GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE
vary: Access-Control-Request-Headers
via: 1.1 vegur
cf-cache-status: DYNAMIC
server: cloudflare
cf-ray: 85a52838ff1f2e32-BOM

In this command output, there is a line access-control-allow-methods: GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE that tells us all ‘HTTP’ methods allowed by the server.

The response headers will include the necessary information. The Allow or access-control-allow-methods header indicates the HTTP methods supported for the requested resource.


We use the OPTION method to make a preflight request to the server. A preflight request is a request we send to the server to determine if the server allows the actual request. The server will respond to the preflight request with a list of the HTTP methods it allows. The browser will then send the actual request if the requested method is in the list. The server also includes a message that indicates the allowed origin, methods, and headers.

We need header Access-Control-Allow-Methods for cross-origin resource sharing (CORS). CORS is a security mechanism that prevents websites from accessing resources from other domains.

The Access-Control-Allow-Methods header tells the browser the list of allowed HTTP methods when accessing the resource.

Here’s how we can send an OPTIONS request using HTTP client:

public Map<String, String> executeOptions() throws RequestProcessingException {
  try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
    URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/").build();
    HttpOptions httpOptionsRequest = new HttpOptions(uri);
    // Create a response handler, lambda to implement
    // HttpClientResponseHandler::handleResponse(ClassicHttpResponse response)
    HttpClientResponseHandler<Map<String, String>> handler =
        response ->
                        response.headerIterator(), Spliterator.ORDERED),
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Header::getName, Header::getValue));
    return httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpOptionsRequest, handler);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to execute the request.", e);

In this example, we populate the HttpOptions request and call the HttpClient.execute() method. The handler processes the response from the server and returns the resulting map of headers to the caller.

Let’s now test the OPTIONS request:

void executeOptions() {
  try {
    // execute
    Map<String, String> headers = userHttpRequestHelper.executeOptions();
        .as("Headers do not contain allow header")
        .containsAnyOf("Allow", "Access-Control-Allow-Methods");
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

The test calls executeOptions() to perform the OPTIONS request and retrieve the headers from the server. Then it verifies that the keys of the ‘headers’ map contain at least one of the expected headers (‘Allow’ or ‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’).

Executing an HTTP TRACE Request to Perform Diagnosis

The HTTP TRACE method performs a message loop-back test along the path to the target resource, providing a useful debugging mechanism. However, it is advised not to use this method as it can open the gates to intruders.

The Vulnerability of TRACE

As warned by OWASP in the documentation on Test HTTP Methods the TRACE method, or TRACK in Microsoft’s systems, makes the server repeat what it receives in a request. This caused a problem known as Cross-Site Tracing (XST) in 2003, allowing access to cookies marked with the HttpOnly flag. Browsers and plugins have blocked TRACE for years, so this problem is no longer a risk. However, if a server still allows TRACE, it might indicate security weaknesses.

HTTP Methods Used to Update Records

The CRUD methods to update records are PUT and PATCH.

Executing an HTTP PUT Request to Update an Existing Record

We use HTTP PUT to update an existing user. We need to provide the details needed to update the user.

Implementation for updating an existing user:

public String updateUser(
    long userId, String firstName, String lastName, String email, String avatar
  ) throws RequestProcessingException {
    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      // Update request
      List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
      formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("first_name", firstName));
      formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("last_name", lastName));
      formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("email", email));
      formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("avatar", avatar));

      try (UrlEncodedFormEntity entity =
          new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
        HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
        URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/" + userId).build();
        HttpPut httpPutRequest = new HttpPut(uri);

        // Create a response handler
        BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
        String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpPutRequest, handler);

        return responseBody;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to update user.", e);

The example above shows how to update a user’s information via an HTTP PUT request. The method constructs the update request by creating a list of NameValuePair objects containing the user’s updated details (first name, last name, email, and avatar). Then we send a request to the specified user’s endpoint (/api/users/{userId}). The response body from the server, indicating the success or failure of the update operation, is captured and returned as a string.

Let’s test the update user workflow:

void executePutRequest() {
  try {
    // prepare
    int userId = 2;
    // execute
    String updatedUser =
    // verify
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

In this example, we execute an HTTP PUT request to update a user’s information. The method first prepares the necessary parameters for the update operation, including the user’s ID and the updated details (first name, last name, email, and avatar). It then invokes the updateUser() method of the userHttpRequestHelper object, passing these parameters. The method captures the response from the server, indicating the success or failure of the update operation, and asserts that the response body is not empty to verify the update’s success.

Executing an HTTP PATCH Request to Partially Update an Existing Record

We use HTTP PATCH to update an existing user partially. We need to provide the details needed to update the user.

Logic to update an existing user partially:

public String patchUser(long userId, String firstName, String lastName)
      throws RequestProcessingException {
  try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    // Update request
    List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("first_name", firstName));
    formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("last_name", lastName));
    try (UrlEncodedFormEntity entity =
        new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
      HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
      URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/" + userId).build();
      HttpPatch httpPatchRequest = new HttpPatch(uri);

      // Create a response handler
      BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
      String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpPatchRequest, handler);

      return responseBody;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to patch user.", e);

The example above shows how to update a user’s information via an HTTP PATCH request. The method constructs the patch request by creating a list of NameValuePair objects containing a few of the user’s updated details (first name and last name). Then we send the request to the specified user’s endpoint (/api/users/{userId}). The response body from the server, indicating the success or failure of the update operation, is captured and returned as a string.

Test to verify patch request:

void executePatchRequest() {
  try {
    // prepare
    int userId = 2;
    // execute
    String patchedUser =
    // verify
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

In this example, we execute an HTTP PATCH request to partially update a user’s information. It first prepares the necessary parameters for the update operation, including the user’s ID and some of the user’s details (first name and last name). It then invokes the patchUser(), passing these parameters. The method captures the response from the server, indicating the success or failure of the update operation, and asserts that the response body is not empty to verify the patch’s success.

HTTP Methods Used to Delete Records

There’s one CRUD method to delete a record: DELETE.

Executing an HTTP DELETE Request to Delete an Existing Record

We use HTTP DELETE to delete an existing user. We need the user ID to delete the user.

Let’s implement delete user logic:

public void deleteUser(long userId) throws RequestProcessingException {

  try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
    HttpHost httpHost = HttpHost.create("");
    URI uri = new URIBuilder("/api/users/" + userId).build();
    HttpDelete httpDeleteRequest = new HttpDelete(uri);
    // Create a response handler
    BasicHttpClientResponseHandler handler = new BasicHttpClientResponseHandler();
    String responseBody = httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpDeleteRequest, handler);
  } catch (Exception e) {
    throw new RequestProcessingException("Failed to update user.", e);

The example demonstrates how to implement an HTTP DELETE request to delete an existing user. It constructs the URI for the delete request and calls execute(), passing the HttpDelete request and a response handler. Finally, it captures the null response from the server.

Test case verifying delete functionality:

void executeDeleteRequest() {
  try {
    // prepare
    int userId = 2;
    // execute
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

The provided test aims to verify the functionality of the deleteUser() method. It prepares by specifying the user ID of the user to be deleted, in this case, userId = 2. It then executes the deleteUser() method, passing the userId as an argument.

Using User-Defined Type in Request Processing

So far we have used built-in Java types like String, and Integer in requests and responses. But we are not limited to using those built-in types.

User-Defined Request and Response

We can use Plain Old Java Objects (POJO objects) in requests sent using HttpClient execute(). However, we typically do not directly use a POJO as the request entity. Instead, we convert the POJO into a format that can be sent over HTTP, such as JSON or XML, and then include that data in the request entity.

The HttpEntity interface represents an entity in an HTTP message, but it typically encapsulates raw data, such as text, binary content, or form parameters. While we cannot directly use a POJO as a HttpEntity, we can serialize the POJO into a suitable format and then create a HttpEntity instance from that serialized data.

Custom HTTP Response Handler

For example, if we want to send a POJO as JSON in an HTTP request, we would first serialize the POJO into a JSON string, and then create a StringEntity instance with that JSON string as the content.

Here’s an example using Jackson ObjectMapper to serialize a POJO into JSON and include it in the request entity:

/** Generic HttpClientResponseHandler */
public class DataObjectResponseHandler<T> 
    extends AbstractHttpClientResponseHandler<T> {
  private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

  @NonNull private Class<T> realType;

  public DataObjectResponseHandler(@NonNull Class<T> realType) {
    this.realType = realType;

  public T handleEntity(HttpEntity httpEntity) throws IOException {

    try {
      return objectMapper.readValue(EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity), realType);
    } catch (ParseException e) {
      throw new ClientProtocolException(e);

// Get user using custom HttpClientResponseHandler
public class UserTypeHttpRequestHelper extends BaseHttpRequestHelper {

  public User getUser(long userId) throws RequestProcessingException {
    try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.createDefault()) {
      // Create request
      HttpHost httpHost = userRequestProcessingUtils.getApiHost();

      URI uri = userRequestProcessingUtils.prepareUsersApiUri(userId);
      HttpGet httpGetRequest = new HttpGet(uri);

      // Create a response handler
      HttpClientResponseHandler<User> handler 
        = new DataObjectResponseHandler<>(User.class);
      return httpClient.execute(httpHost, httpGetRequest, handler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new RequestProcessingException(
          MessageFormat.format("Failed to get user for ID: {0}", userId), e);

The DataObjectResponseHandler is a generic HTTP response handler that deserializes JSON into specified POJO using the Jackson ObjectMapper. It converts the HTTP response entity to a JSON string using EntityUtils.toString(), then deserializes it into a POJO of the given type. This design reduces code duplication, enhancing reusability and maintainability.

The UserTypeHttpRequestHelper class has a method getUser() that retrieves a user from a server using a custom HttpGet request. DataObjectResponseHandler processes the response, which deserializes the server’s JSON response into a User object. We catch the errors during execution and throw them again as RequestProcessingException.

Test case to get a user:

void executeGetUser() {
  try {
    // prepare
    long userId = 2L;
    // execute
    User existingUser = userHttpRequestHelper.getUser(userId);
    // verify
    ThrowingConsumer<User> responseRequirements =
        user -> {
          assertThat(user).as("Created user cannot be null.").isNotNull();
          assertThat(user.getId()).as("ID should be positive number.")
          assertThat(user.getFirstName()).as("First name cannot be null.")
          assertThat(user.getLastName()).as("Last name cannot be null.")
          assertThat(user.getAvatar()).as("Avatar cannot be null.").isNotNull();
  } catch (Exception e) {"Failed to execute HTTP request.", e);

It prepares by defining the userId variable, executes the method using the userHttpRequestHelper, and verifies the response received from the server. If exceptions occur, the test fails with an error message.

Choosing User-Defined Type Vs Built-in Type

Typed classes offer advantages such as enhanced type safety, allowing for better code readability and preventing type-related errors. They also facilitate better code organization and maintainability by encapsulating related functionality within specific classes. However, they may introduce complexity and require additional effort for implementation. In contrast, built-in types like String offer simplicity and ease of use but may lack the specific functionality and type safety provided by custom-typed classes. The choice between typed classes and built-in types depends on factors such as project requirements, complexity, and maintainability concerns.


In this article we got familiar with the classic APIs of Apache HttpClient, and we explored a multitude of essential functionalities vital for interacting with web servers. From fetching paginated records to pinpointing specific data, and from determining server statuses to manipulating records, we learned a comprehensive array of HTTP methods. Understanding these capabilities equips us with the tools needed to navigate and interact with web resources efficiently and effectively. With this knowledge, our applications can communicate seamlessly with web servers, ensuring smooth data exchanges and seamless user experiences.

Written By:

Sachin Raverkar

Written By:

Sachin Raverkar

Sachin is a Java enthusiast with over two decades of product development expertise. He enjoys architecting and delivering SAAS products as well as sharing expertise with people all over the world.

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Spring Security provides a comprehensive set of security features for Java applications, covering authentication, authorization, session management, and protection against common security threats such as CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).

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Creating and Publishing an NPM Package with Automated Versioning and Deployment

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll create, publish, and manage an NPM package using TypeScript for better code readability and scalability. We’ll write test cases with Jest and automate our NPM package versioning and publishing process using Changesets and GitHub Actions.

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