In Spring 5, Spring gained a reactive web framework: Spring WebFlux. This is designed to co-exist alongside the existing Spring Web MVC APIs, but to add support for non-blocking designs. Using WebFlux, you can build asynchronous web applications, using reactive streams and functional APIs to better support concurrency and scaling.
As part of this, Spring 5 introduced the new WebClient
API, replacing the existing RestTemplate
client. Using WebClient
you can make synchronous or asynchronous HTTP requests with a functional fluent API that can integrate directly into your existing Spring configuration and the WebFlux reactive framework.
In this article we’ll look first at how you can start sending simple GET and POST requests to an API with WebClient
right now, and then discuss how to take WebClient
further for advanced use in substantial production applications.
How to Make a GET Request with WebClient
Let’s start simple, with a plain GET request to read some content from a server or API.
To get started, you’ll first need to add some dependencies to your project, if you don’t have them already. If you’re using Spring Boot you can use spring-boot-starter-webflux, or alternatively you can install spring-webflux and reactor-netty directly.
The Spring WebClient
API must be used on top of an existing asynchronous HTTP client library. In most cases that will be Reactor Netty, but you can also use Jetty Reactive HttpClient or Apache HttpComponents, or integrate others by building a custom connector.
Once these are installed, you can send your first GET request in WebClient
WebClient client = WebClient.create();
WebClient.ResponseSpec responseSpec = client.get()
There’s a few things happening here:
- We create a
instance - We define a request using the
instance, specifying the request method (GET) and URI - We finish configuring the request, and obtain a
This is everything required to send a request, but it’s important to note that no request has actually been sent at this point! As a reactive API, the request is not actually sent until something attempts to read or wait for the response.
How do we do that?
How to Handle an HTTP Response with WebClient
Once we’ve made a request, we usually want to read the contents of the response.
In the above example, we called .retrieve()
to get a ResponseSpec
for a request. This is an asynchronous operation, which doesn’t block or wait for the request itself, which means that on the following line the request is still pending, and so we can’t yet access any of the response details.
Before we can get a value out of this asynchronous operation, you need to understand the Flux and Mono types from Reactor.
A Flux
represents a stream of elements. It’s a sequence that will asynchronously emit any number of items (0 or more) in the future, before completing (either successfully or with an error).
In reactive programming, this is our bread-and-butter. A Flux
is a stream that we can transform (giving us a new stream of transformed events), buffer into a List, reduce down to a single value, concatenate and merge with other Fluxes, or block on to wait for a value.
A Mono is a specific but very common type of Flux
: a Flux
that will asynchronously emit either 0 or 1 results before it completes.
In practice, it’s similar to Java’s own CompletableFuture
: it represents a single future value.
If you’d like more background on these, take a look at Spring’s own docs which explain the Reactive types and their relationship to traditional Java types in more detail.
Reading the Body
To read the response body, we need to get a Mono
(i.e: an async future value) for the contents of the response. We then need to unwrap that somehow, to trigger the request and get the response body content itself, once it’s available.
There are a few different ways to unwrap an asynchronous value. To start with, we’ll use the simplest traditional option, by blocking to wait for the data to arrive:
String responseBody = responseSpec.bodyToMono(String.class).block();
This gives us a string containing the raw body of the response. It’s possible to pass different classes here to parse content automatically into an appropriate format, or to use a Flux
here instead to receive a stream of response parts (for example from an event-based API), but we’ll come back to that in just a minute.
Note that we’re not checking the status here ourselves. When we use .retrieve()
, the client automatically checks the status code for us, providing a sensible default by throwing an error for any 4xx or 5xx responses. We’ll talk about custom status checks & error handling later on too.
How to Send a Complex POST Request with WebClient
We’ve seen how to send a very basic GET request, but what happens if we want to send something more advanced?
Let’s look at a more complex example:
MultiValueMap<String, String> bodyValues = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
bodyValues.add("key", "value");
bodyValues.add("another-key", "another-value");
String response =
.uri(new URI(""))
.header("Authorization", "Bearer MY_SECRET_TOKEN")
As we can see here, WebClient
allows us to configure headers by either using dedicated methods for common cases (.contentType(type)
) or generic keys and values (.header(key, value)
In general, using dedicated methods is preferable, as their stricter typings will help us provide the right values, and they include runtime validation to catch various invalid configurations too.
This example also shows how to add a body. There are a few options here:
- We can call
with aBodyInserter
, which will build body content for us from form values, multipart values, data buffers, or other encodeable types. - We can call
with aFlux
(including aMono
), which can stream content asynchronously to build the request body. - We can call
to provide a string or other encodeable value directly.
Each of these has different use cases. Most developers who aren’t familiar with reactive streams will find the Flux API unhelpful initially, but as you invest more in the reactive ecosystem, asynchronous chains of streamed data like this will begin to feel more natural.
How to Take Spring WebClient
into Production
The above should be enough to get you create and send basic requests and read responses, but there are a few more topics we need to cover if you want to build substantial applications on top of this.
Reading Response Headers
Until now, we’ve focused on reading the response body, and ignored the headers. A lot of the time that’s fine, and the important headers will be handled for us, but you will find that many APIs include valuable metadata in their response headers, not just the body.
This data is easily available within the WebClient
API too, using the .toEntity()
API, which gives us a ResponseEntity, wrapped in a Mono
This allows us to examine response headers:
ResponseEntity<String> response = client.get()
// ...
HttpHeaders responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
List<String> headerValue = responseHeaders.get("header-name");
Parsing Response Bodies
In the examples above, we’ve handled responses as simple strings, but Spring can also automatically parse these into many higher-level types for you, by providing a more specific type when reading the response, like so:
Mono<Person> response =
// ...
Which classes can be converted depends on the HttpMessageReaders
that are available. By default, the supported formats include:
- Conversion of any response to
- Conversion of
responses intoMultiValueMap<String,String>>
- Conversion of
responses intoMultiValueMap<String, Part>
- Deserialization of JSON data using Jackson, if available
- Deserialization of XML data using Jackson’s XML extension or JAXB, if available
This can also use the standard HttpMessageConverter
configuration registered in your Spring application, so message converters can be shared between your WebMVC or WebFlux server code and your WebClient
instances. If you’re using Spring Boot, you can use the pre-configured WebClient.Builder instance to get this set up automatically.
For more details, take a look at the Spring WebFlux codecs documentation.
Manually Handling Response Status
By default .retrieve()
will check for error status for you. That’s fine for simple cases, but you’re likely to find many REST APIs that encode more detailed success information in their status codes (for example returning 201 or 202 values), or APIs where you want to add custom handling for some error status.
It’s possible to read the status from the ResponseEntity
like we did for the headers, but that’s only useful for accepted statuses, since and error status will throw the error before we receive the entity in that case.
To handle those types of status codes ourselves, we need to add an onStatus
handler. This handler can match certain status code, and return a Mono<Throwable>
(to control the specific error thrown) or Mono.empty()
to stop that error code from being treated as an error.
It works like so:
ResponseEntity response = client.get()
// ...
// Don't treat 401 responses as errors:
status -> status == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND,
clientResponse -> Mono.empty()
// Manually check and handle the relevant status codes:
if (response.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
// ...
} else {
// ...
Making Fully Asynchronous Requests
Up until this point we’ve called .block()
on every response, blocking the thread completely to wait for the response to arrive.
Within a traditional heavily threaded architecture that might fit quite naturally, but in a non-blocking design we need to avoid these kinds of blocking operations wherever possible.
As an alternative, we can handle requests by weaving transforms around our Mono
or Flux
values to handle and combine values as they’re returned, and then pass these Flux
-wrapped values into other non-blocking APIs, all fully asynchronously.
There isn’t space here to fully explain this paradigm or WebFlux from scratch, but an example of doing so with WebClient
might look like this:
private Mono<User> getUserById(@PathVariable String id) {
// Load some user data asynchronously, e.g. from a DB:
Mono<BaseUserInfo> userInfo = getBaseUserInfo(id);
// Load user data with WebClient from a separate API:
Mono<UserSubscription> userSubscription = client.get()
.uri("http://subscription-service/api/user/" + id)
// Combine the monos: when they are both done, take the
// data from each and combine it into a User object.
Mono<User> user = userInfo
.map((tuple) -> new User(tuple.getT1(), tuple.getT2());
// The resulting mono of combined data can be returned immediately,
// without waiting or blocking, and WebFlux will handle sending
// the response later, once all the data is ready:
return user;
Testing with Spring WebTestClient
In addition to WebClient
, Spring 5 includes WebTestClient
which provides an interface extremely similar to WebClient
but designed for convenient testing of server endpoints.
We can set this up either by creating a WebTestClient
that’s bound to a server and sending real requests over HTTP, or one that’s bound to a single Controller
, RouterFunction
or WebHandler
to run integration tests using mock request & response objects.
That looks like this:
// Connect to a real server over HTTP:
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient
// Or connect to a single WebHandler using mock objects:
WebTestClient client = WebTestClient
Once we’ve created a WebTestClient, we can define requests just like any other WebClient
To send the request and check the result, we call .exchange()
and then use the assertion methods available there:
.expectStatus().isNotFound(); // Assert that this is a 404 response
There’s a wide variety of assertion methods to check the response status, headers and body - see the JavaDoc for the full list.
Inspecting and Mocking WebClient
HTTP Traffic with HTTP Toolkit
After you’ve deployed your WebClient
code, you need to be able to debug it. HTTP requests are often the linchpin within complex interactions, and they can fail in many interesting ways. It’s useful to be able to see the requests and responses your client is working with to understand what your system is doing, and injecting your own data or errors can be a powerful technique for manual testing.
To do this, you can use HTTP Toolkit, a cross-platform open-source tool that can capture traffic from a wide variety of Java HTTP clients, and which includes a specific integration to automatically intercept Spring WebClient
Once you have HTTP Toolkit installed, the next step is to intercept your Java HTTP traffic. To do so you can either:
- Click the ‘Fresh Terminal’ button in HTTP Toolkit to open a terminal, and launch your application from there; or
- Start your application as normal, then click the ‘Attach to JVM’ button in HTTP Toolkit to attach to the already running JVM
Once you’ve intercepted your traffic, you can inspect every request and response sent by your application from the ‘View’ page inside HTTP Toolkit:

You can also add rules from the ‘Mock’ page, to interactively mock HTTP responses, breakpoint requests, or inject errors like connection failures and timeouts.
In this article we’ve looked at everything you need to get started using Spring WebClient
. WebFlux and WebClient
are mature powerful APIs with a lot to offer on top of the classic Spring feature set. Give them a try in your application today!