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Create Command-line Applications with Spring Shell
Spring Shell allows us to build a command line (shell) application using the Spring framework and all the advantages it provides.
Read moreImproving Performance with Java’s CompletableFuture
In this article, we will learn how to use CompletableFuture to increase the performance of our application. We’ll start with looking at the Future interface and its limitations and then will discuss how we can instead use the CompletableFuture class to overcome these limitations.
Read moreCommonJS vs. ES Modules: Modules and Imports in NodeJS
A module system allows us to split up our code in different parts or to include code written by other developers.
Read moreGetting Started with Express
Express is a web application framework for Node.js. We can use this framework to build APIs, serve web pages, and other static assets and use it as a lightweight HTTP server and backend for our applications.
Read moreGetting Started with Amazon SQS
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that enables decoupling and communication between the components of a distributed system.
Read moreAn Introduction to Annotations and Annotation Processing in Java
An annotation is a construct associated with Java source code elements such as classes, methods, and variables. Annotations provide information to a program at compile time or at runtime based on which the program can take further action.
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