3 Steps to Fix NoSuchMethodErrors and NoSuchMethodExceptions

  • October 8, 2018
Table Of Contents

A NoSuchMethodError occurs when we’re calling a method that does not exist at runtime.

The method must have existed at compile time, since otherwise the compiler would have refused to compile the class calling that method with an error: cannot find symbol.

Common Causes and Solutions

Let’s discuss some common situations that cause a NoSuchMethodError.

Breaking Change in a 3rd Party Library

The potential root cause for a NoSuchMethodError is that one of the libraries we use in our project had a breaking change from one version to the next. This breaking change removed a method from the code of that library.

However, since our own code calling the method in question has been successfully compiled, the classpath must be different during compile time and runtime.

At compile time we use the correct version of the library while at runtime we somehow included a different version that does not provide the method in question. This indicates a problem in our build process.

Overriding a 3rd Party Library Version

Imagine we’re using a 3rd party library (A) as described above, but we’re not calling it directly. Rather, it’s a dependency of another 3rd party library (B) that we use (i.e. A is a transitive dependency to our project).

In this case, which is the most common cause for NoSuchMethodErrors in my experience, we probably have a version conflict in our build system. There probably is a third library (C) which also has a dependency on B, but on a different version.

Build systems like Gradle and Maven usually resolve a version conflict like this by simply choosing one of the versions, opening the door for a NoSuchMethodError.

Breaking Change in Our Own Module

The same can happen in multi-module builds, though this is less common. We have removed a certain method from the code in one module (A) and during runtime the code of another module (B) fails with a NoSuchMethodError.

This indicates an error in our build pipeline since module B obviously has not been compiled against the new version of module A.

Fixing a NoSuchMethodError

There are a lot of different flavors of NoSuchMethodErrors, but they all boil down to the fact that the compile time classpath differs from the runtime classpath.

The following steps will help to pinpoint the problem:

Step 1: Find Out Where the Class Comes From

First, we need to find out where the class containing the method in question comes from. We find this information in the error message of the NoSuchMethodError:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 

Now, we can search the web or within the IDE to find out which JAR file contains this class. In the case above, we can see that it’s the Service class from our own codebase and not a class from another library.

If we have trouble finding the JAR file of the class, we can add the Java option -verbose:class when running our application. This will cause Java to print out all classes and the JARs they have been loaded from:

[Loaded io.reflectoring.nosuchmethod.Service from file:

Step 2: Find Out Who Calls the Class

Next, we want find out where the method is being called. This information is available in the first element of the stack trace:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 
  at io.reflectoring.nosuchmethod.ProvokeNoSuchMethodError.main(ProvokeNoSuchMethodError.java:7)

Here, the class ProvokeNoSuchMethodError tries to call a method that does not exist at runtime. We should now find out which library this file belongs to.

Step 3: Check the Versions

Now that we know where the NoSuchMethodError is provoked and what method is missing, we can act.

We should now list all of our project dependencies.

In Gradle, we can call:

./gradlew dependencies > dependencies.txt

If we’re using Maven, a similiar result can be achieved with:

mvn dependency:list > dependencies.txt`

In this file, we can search for the libraries that contain the class with the missing method and the class that tries to call this method.

Usually we’ll find an output like this somewhere:

\--- org.springframework.retry:spring-retry:1.2.2.RELEASE
|     \--- org.springframework:spring-core:4.3.13.RELEASE -> 5.0.8.RELEASE

The above means that the spring-retry library depends on spring-core in version 4.3.13, but some other library also depends on spring-core in version 5.0.8 and overrules the dependency version.

We can now search our dependencies.txt file for 5.0.8.RELEASE to find out which library introduces the dependency to this version.

Finally, we need to decide which of the two versions we actually need to satisfy both dependencies. Usually, this is the newer version since most frameworks are backwards compatible to some point. However, it can be the other way around or we might even not be able to resolve the conflict at all.

And What About NoSuchMethodException?

NoSuchMethodException is related to NoSuchMethodError, but occurs in another context. While a NoSuchMethodError occurs when some JAR file has a different version at runtime that it had at compile time, a NoSuchMethodException occurs during reflection when we try to access a method that does not exist.

This can be easily provoked with the following code:


Here, we’re trying to access the method foobar() of class String, which does not exist.

The steps to find the cause of the exception and to fix it are pretty much the same as those for the NoSuchMethodError.


This article went through some common causes of NoSuchMethodErrors and NoSuchMethodExceptions and walked through some steps that can help to fix them.

We need to find out where the error is caused and who causes it before we can compare versions and try to fix the problem.

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

Written By:

Tom Hombergs

As a professional software engineer, consultant, architect, general problem solver, I've been practicing the software craft for more than fifteen years and I'm still learning something new every day. I love sharing the things I learned, so you (and future me) can get a head start. That's why I founded reflectoring.io.

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