Hardik Singh Behl

Hardik Singh Behl

Software developer proficient in the Java, Spring and AWS ecosystem. Hardik is also an AWS Community Builder who has been sharing his knowledge through his articles and Github profile.

Articles by Hardik Singh Behl

Offloading File Transfers with Amazon S3 Presigned URLs in Spring Boot

When building web applications that involve file uploads or downloads, a common approach is to have the files pass through an application server.

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Integrating Amazon S3 with Spring Boot Using Spring Cloud AWS

In modern web applications, storing and retrieving files has become a common requirement. Whether it is user uploaded content like images and documents or application generated logs and reports, having a reliable and scalable storage solution is crucial.

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Publisher-Subscriber Pattern Using AWS SNS and SQS in Spring Boot

In an event-driven architecture where multiple microservices need to communicate with each other, the publisher-subscriber pattern provides an asynchronous communication model to achieve this.

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