Spring Boot Application Events Explained

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To “listen” to an event, we can always write the “listener” to an event as another method within the source of the event, but this will tightly couple the event source to the logic of the listener.

With real events, we are more flexible than with direct method calls. We can dynamically register and deregister listeners to certain events as we wish. We can also have multiple listeners for the same event.

This tutorial gives an overview of how to publish and listen to custom events and explains Spring Boot’s built-in events.

Example Code

This article is accompanied by a working code example on GitHub.

Why Should I Use Events Instead of Direct Method Calls?

Both, events and direct method calls, fit for different situations. With a method call it’s like making an assertion that - no matter the state of the sending and receiving modules - they need to know this event happened.

With events, on the other hand, we just say that an event occurred and which modules are notified about it is not our concern. It’s good to use events when we want to pass on the processing to another thread (example: sending an email on some task completion). Also, events come in handy for test-driven development.

What is an Application Event?

Spring application events allow us to throw and listen to specific application events that we can process as we wish. Events are meant for exchanging information between loosely coupled components. As there is no direct coupling between publishers and subscribers, it enables us to modify subscribers without affecting the publishers and vice-versa.

Let’s see how we can create, publish and listen to custom events in a Spring Boot application.

Creating an ApplicationEvent

We can publish application events using the Spring Framework’s event publishing mechanism.

Let’s create a custom event called UserCreatedEvent by extending ApplicationEvent:

class UserCreatedEvent extends ApplicationEvent {
  private String name;

  UserCreatedEvent(Object source, String name) {
    this.name = name;

The source which is being passed to super() should be the object on which the event occurred initially or an object with which the event is associated.

Since Spring 4.2, we can also publish objects as an event without extending ApplicationEvent:

class UserRemovedEvent {
  private String name;

  UserRemovedEvent(String name) {
    this.name = name;

Publishing an ApplicationEvent

We use the ApplicationEventPublisher interface to publish our events:

class Publisher {
  private final ApplicationEventPublisher publisher;
    Publisher(ApplicationEventPublisher publisher) {
      this.publisher = publisher;

  void publishEvent(final String name) {
    // Publishing event created by extending ApplicationEvent
    publisher.publishEvent(new UserCreatedEvent(this, name));
    // Publishing an object as an event
    publisher.publishEvent(new UserRemovedEvent(name));

When the object we’re publishing is not an ApplicationEvent, Spring will automatically wrap it in a PayloadApplicationEvent for us.

Listening to an Application Event

Now that we know how to create and publish a custom event, let’s see how we can listen to the event. An event can have multiple listeners doing different work based on application requirements.

There are two ways to define a listener. We can either use the @EventListener annotation or implement the ApplicationListener interface. In either case, the listener class has to be managed by Spring.


Starting with Spring 4.1 it’s now possible to simply annotate a method of a managed bean with @EventListener to automatically register an ApplicationListener matching the signature of the method:

class UserRemovedListener {

  ReturnedEvent handleUserRemovedEvent(UserRemovedEvent event) {
    // handle UserRemovedEvent ...
    return new ReturnedEvent();

  void handleReturnedEvent(ReturnedEvent event) {
        // handle ReturnedEvent ...

No additional configuration is necessary with annotation-driven configuration enabled. Our method can listen to several events or if we want to define it with no parameter at all, the event types can also be specified on the annotation itself. Example: @EventListener({ContextStartedEvent.class, ContextRefreshedEvent.class}).

For the methods annotated with @EventListener and defined as a non-void return type, Spring will publish the result as a new event for us. In the above example, the ReturnedEvent returned by the first method will be published and then handled by the second method.

Spring allows our listener to be triggered only in certain circumstances if we specify a SpEL condition:

class UserRemovedListener {

  @EventListener(condition = "#event.name eq 'reflectoring'")
  void handleConditionalListener(UserRemovedEvent event) {
    // handle UserRemovedEvent

The event will only be handled if the expression evaluates to true or one of the following strings: “true”, “on”, “yes”, or “1”. Method arguments are exposed via their names. The condition expression also exposes a “root” variable referring to the raw ApplicationEvent (#root.event) and the actual method arguments (#root.args)

In the above example, the listener will be triggered with UserRemovedEvent only when the #event.name has the value 'reflectoring',

Implementing ApplicationListener

Another way to listen to an event is to implement the ApplicationListener interface:

class UserCreatedListener implements ApplicationListener<UserCreatedEvent> {

  public void onApplicationEvent(UserCreatedEvent event) {
    // handle UserCreatedEvent

As long as the listener object is registered in the Spring application context, it will receive events. When Spring routes an event, it uses the signature of our listener to determine if it matches an event or not.

Asynchronous Event Listeners

By default spring events are synchronous, meaning the publisher thread blocks until all listeners have finished processing the event.

To make an event listener run in async mode, all we have to do is use the @Async annotation on that listener:

class AsyncListener {

  void handleAsyncEvent(String event) {
    // handle event

To make the @Async annotation work, we also have to annotate one of our @Configuration classes or the @SpringBootApplication class with @EnableAsync.

The above code example also shows that we can use Strings as events. Use at your own risk. It’s better to use data types specific for our use case so as not to conflict with other events.

Transaction-Bound Events

Spring allows us to bind an event listener to a phase of the current transaction. This allows events to be used with more flexibility when the outcome of the current transaction matters to the listener.

When we annotate our method with @TransactionalEventListener, we get an extended event listener that is aware of the transaction:

class UserRemovedListener {

  void handleAfterUserRemoved(UserRemovedEvent event) {
    // handle UserRemovedEvent

UserRemovedListener will only be invoked when the current transaction completes.

We can bind the listener to the following phases of the transaction:

  • AFTER_COMMIT: The event will be handled when the transaction gets committed successfully. We can use this if our event listener should only run if the current transaction was successful.
  • AFTER_COMPLETION: The event will be handled when the transaction commits or is rolled back. We can use this to perform cleanup after transaction completion, for example.
  • AFTER_ROLLBACK: The event will be handled after the transaction has rolled back.
  • BEFORE_COMMIT: The event will be handled before the transaction commit. We can use this to flush transactional O/R mapping sessions to the database, for example.

Spring Boot’s Application Events

Spring Boot provides several predefined ApplicationEvents that are tied to the lifecycle of a SpringApplication.

Some events are triggered before the ApplicationContext is created, so we cannot register a listener on those as a @Bean. We can register listeners for these events by adding the listener manually:

public class EventsDemoApplication {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication springApplication = 
        new SpringApplication(EventsDemoApplication.class);
    springApplication.addListeners(new SpringBuiltInEventsListener());


We can also register our listeners regardless of how the application is created by adding a META-INF/spring.factories file to our project and reference our listener(s) by using the org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener key:

org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener= com.reflectoring.eventdemo.SpringBuiltInEventsListener

class SpringBuiltInEventsListener 
    implements ApplicationListener<SpringApplicationEvent>{

  public void onApplicationEvent(SpringApplicationEvent event) {
    // handle event

Once we make sure that our event listener is registered properly, we can listen to all of Spring Boot’s SpringApplicationEvents. Let’s have a look at them, in the order of their execution during application startup.


An ApplicationStartingEvent is fired at the start of a run but before any processing, except for the registration of listeners and initializers.


An ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent is fired when the Environment to be used in the context is available.

Since the Environment will be ready at this point, we can inspect and do modify it before it’s used by other beans.


An ApplicationContextInitializedEvent is fired when the ApplicationContext is ready and ApplicationContextInitializers are called but bean definitions are not yet loaded.

We can use this to perform a task before beans are initialized into Spring container.


An ApplicationPreparedEvent is fired when ApllicationContext is prepared but not refreshed.

The Environment is ready for use and bean definitions will be loaded.


A ContextRefreshedEvent is fired when an ApplicationContext is refreshed.

The ContextRefreshedEvent comes from Spring directly and not from Spring Boot and does not extend SpringApplicationEvent.


If we’re using a web server, a WebServerInitializedEvent is fired after the web server is ready. ServletWebServerInitializedEvent and ReactiveWebServerInitializedEvent are the servlet and reactive variants, respectively.

The WebServerInitializedEvent does not extend SpringApplicationEvent.


An ApplicationStartedEvent is fired after the context has been refreshed but before any application and command-line runners have been called.


An ApplicationReadyEvent is fired to indicate that the application is ready to service requests.

It is advised not to modify the internal state at this point since all initialization steps will be completed.


An ApplicationFailedEvent is fired if there is an exception and the application fails to start. This can happen at any time during startup.

We can use this to perform some tasks like execute a script or notify on startup failure.


Events are designed for simple communication among Spring beans within the same application context. As of Spring 4.2, the infrastructure has been significantly improved and offers an annotation-based model as well as the ability to publish any arbitrary event.

You can find the example code on GitHub.

Written By:

Nandan BN

Written By:

Nandan BN

Full stack developer, passionate about technology, working for a better future with the help of digital world.

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