Spring Boot

Using Kafka with Spring Boot

In this article, we’ll look at how to integrate a Spring Boot application with Apache Kafka and start sending and consuming messages from our application.

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Implementing a Cache with Spring Boot

We use a cache to protect the database or to avoid cost-intensive calculations. Spring provides an abstraction layer for implementing a cache.

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Distributed Cache with Hazelcast and Spring

In some applications, we need to protect the database or avoid cost-intensive calculations. We can use a cache for this goal.

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Validate Spring Boot Configuration Parameters at Startup

One of the important steps to keep software applications customizable is effective configuration management. Modern frameworks provide out-of-the-box features to externalize configuration parameters.

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Testing Database Migration Scripts with Spring Boot and Testcontainers

Database migration with tools like Flyway or Liquibase requires creating SQL scripts and running them on a database. Although the database is an external dependency, we have to test the SQL scripts, because it is our code.

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One-Stop Guide to Database Migration with Liquibase and Spring Boot

Spring Boot provides integration with database migration tools Liquibase and Flyway. This guide provides an overview of Liquibase and how to use it in a Spring Boot application for managing and applying database schema changes.

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